Random Stuff…

A friend is “seeing” a married man and it’s making me ill. She’s falling for him and somehow thinks he’s going to leave his wife and children (2 young boys and a girl coming in October) for her. Oy vey…

My current room project is packing up additional clothes that are too big. Yesterday I dug out an old sorority sweatshirt and it hangs on me. My organization was a service sorority. While we did the social events that other greek folks did, our main focus was community service. LOL Which means we could party in downtown Ft. Worth on Friday night, but Saturday morning we were doing Habitat for Humanity…with hangovers, no less.

Why are adult relationships so complicated? I remember when all it took to smooth things over was sharing graham crackers or crayons.

Did everyone catch the GQ cover with Vin? He has on some lace-up leather pants and it shows you exactly what he’s working with. He also has a nice spread in Savoy, if you’re interested. Look, but don’t touch. 😉

The Nikka Costa CD I got is great. If labels were cool, she’d be under the Soul/Blues/Rock category. Next purchase on my list? Remy Shand…blue-eyed soul from Canada.

To Scorpio Moon: Please email me! I lost your address. Sawwy…

Why can’t I be totally pleased with my weight loss? The majority of the time, I’m very content…but lately, it hasn’t been “I’ve lost 138 lbs”, it’s more like “I have 98 #$%@#*! pounds to lose.” I’ve been on this journey for almost 17 months and I’m tired…but quitting isn’t an option. I have too many goals remaining. Finishing the Danskin TRI…Lifetime status with WW…and shopping for Baby Phat jeans with PhatPrincessDiva.

Chesty just found out that a friend “blocked” her from a guy and she ain’t happy. I told her to vent in her (unused) diary and she told me she’s not feeling OD anymore. LOL I’ll sell the diary space to the highest bid.

One of the questions from my panel job interview was “What decision have you made in the last 6 months that will change your life?” My answer was the Danskin Triathlon. Not only am I learning things about myself, but I honestly believe I will be a different person when all is said and done. The saying is “The woman that starts the Danskin isn’t the same one that finishes”…I totally believe that.

What about you? Have you made a decision in the last 6 months that will affect your life permanently?

Log in to write a note

I have. I love myself and not to get upset when I can’t accomplish something as well as everyone else. We are all good at different things and I can’t be good at everything. And frankly I really don’t want to be.

Well we didn’t really make the decision to get pregnant but it did happen so that will affect the rest of our lives 😉 So, my hubby won’t let me buy the GQ magazine. What exactly IS he working with???

I know how you feel about the married man situation. I think getting involved with someone who is married is so…so…selfish. Re: Weight loss feelings: I would guess the novelty of change has slightly worn off, you’ve worked through and changed what needed to be changed and now its just a matter of completing the task. That can be kind of ho-hum. But I’m positive you will find…

a new and interesting twist to put on the experience (like you did with the triathlon) and that will fuel your motivation. Speaking of motivation, I’m reading a book by Barbara Sher entitled “Live the Life You Love: In Ten Easy Step-By Step Lessons”. In the first chapter, she outlines an exercise to help the reader determine what motivates them. She lists things such as: guilt, fear…

shame, pain, revenge, etc etc and asks the reader to grade the usefulness of each one in their lives. I’m curious, what has (and still) motivates you? And have you always had a clear understanding of what motivates you? I will e-mail you now. 🙂

August 18, 2002

Your friend is cracked. :p Isn’t it fun saying, “I just can’t wear this cause its too BIG!” 🙂 Adults are complex. Sort of a given that everything about them gets more complex. :p I don’t read GQ 😉 Haven’t heard of Nikka Costa. Shift in focus is likely to lead you to looking at the goal more than the acievenemnt. Just have to remember the acheivement. 🙂

August 18, 2002

And I think that a much better Diva will be the result of the Tri. Early wishes of good luck. 🙂

August 19, 2002

Yes, I have made a decision in the last 6 months that will affect my life from here on out. It was a good decision and I’m very happy with it. Don’t get frustrated with yourself….you are amazing and an inspiration to many, many people.

I think after reading my diary, you know my decision. So far I’m doing pretty well. Finding the encouragement to keep going is always hard, but I know you’ll find the strength to keep going because you’ve come so far already. I think the TRI will be a tremendous help to you. Keep your chin up. ~C~

Great to hear that you continue to do so well! Don’t just pat yourself on the back for how many pounds you’ve lost so far, think about what has changed for the better during this time. Rejoice in this new version of you that is evolving. But know that you are not alone. We all want to throw in the towel sometimes. It’s the fact that we always pick it up that makes us successful! You CAN do it!

Hmmmm,I seem to remember a YOUNG lady (namely me), who was sitting in your shoes just several months ago. Thinkin that if I had to weigh out the meat for another turkey sandwich, or another cup of milk, I’d just loe it! Okay, perhaps I’m being a tad dramatic, but a little drama never hurt anyone. I believe this is just part of the cycle of things. Another challenge to complete the journey….

You will overcome and you will feel a renewed commitment. I promoise you!! You know how much you’ve accomplished so far, so I’m sure I don’t need to point that out to you again. Just hang tough and work through it — I know you will. 🙂