The Vaginas Are Coming!

LOL nice title, eh?

The Vagina Monologues tour will be in Dallas next month…birthday month. I sent out an email to all the divas in my address book and it looks like we’ll have a big group for the show. I’m beyond excited! I’m going to have to buy something divalicious for the event. Lane Bryant seems stuck on the Shakira look, so I may have to check out Ashley Stewart again.

Birthday #24 came exactly a week after 9/11, so partying was the last thing on my mind. However, I’m going to do 25 in a BIG way. Celebrating with friends and family is something we all could do more often, you know? Our time here is limited and precious.

No major plans for the weekend. I’m heading to the Nature Center for a hike this evening and then it’s movie/pizza night. Tomorrow night I’m meeting friends for dinner and then look for some trouble to get into. My friend *K* will be joining us and her idea of fun usually involves heading to Deep Ellum for a piercing or tattoo. I plan to get a navel ring once I hit goal. Until then, I’ll pass on the needles, thanks.

Hope everyone has a great weekend…


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August 16, 2002

Enjoy your weekend!

August 16, 2002

I’ve heard of that.. saw a spoof by MadTV. Don’t know much more than that about it. What is the actual show like? I don’t think that I’ll ever dip into seeing it though. At least, not without getting an inkling of what the real show is like. 😉

My reward for losing most of the weight I need to will be an eyebrow ring. I just can’t wait!!

I’ve seen the Vagina Monologues twice. It’s absolutly brilliant!

Good thoughts on waiting. Otherwise your peircing will end up out of placement. Since I lost some fat off my stomach, the bar dissapears in my belly button. It’s most annoying. Have a great time at the monologues. ~C~