Weigh Day: Damage Control

Well, my dreaded weigh-in was actually positive today. I lost 3.2 lbs…which takes care of last week’s 2.4 gain and a bit extra. I didn’t complete the usual amount of exercise, so I’m not sure what caused the loss. I did my weekly hike, one night at the track, and a Pilates session. Apparently it was enough…or maybe I didn’t deserve a 2.4 lb gain last week. Who knows…weight loss is a crazy game.

I met a couple of friends for lunch and a trip to the MAC store at the Galleria. I picked up some nail polish and lipstick. [Note to PhatPrincessDiva: Cyber polish and Verushka lipstick…LOL I know to list the shades for you, fellow MAC junkie!]

After the galleria, we headed to the movies to see Signs. I must say it was a bit disappointing. Lots of suspense…but things moved slowly towards the end. This weekend I’m joining several girlfriends to check out xXx. I will enjoy the movie and will not believe rumors that Vin is gay.

Hope everyone is having a good week. I’m definitely enjoying being a slacker with no job. 😉


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Congrats on the loss, Miss 69! Thanks for the tip. I need a new lipstick. Okay…I want a new one. I’m starting to share the Vin love…you might have to loan him out on weekends 😉

Congrats on your loss this week! You will be out of the 60’s in no time. Plan on seeing xXx this Friday too..luv that man! You are truly an inspiration!

August 7, 2002

You went to see Signs!!! I’m jealous! Am happy to hear that you beat the DSM this week! 🙂

August 9, 2002

Woo hooo! You go girlie! Maybe the loss was a result of you having over-exercised a bit in the previous weeks? Who knows, but it is a great loss!

#1 congrats on the weight loss! #2 Vin Diesel is NOT GAY! How could he be when he is MINE 😉 #3 I’m in Dallas, too. Nice to meet you 😉

I am a major MAC fan as well. Recently got the new Longlash mascara…. it’s great…