Free at last…

Well, they finally set us free yesterday afternoon! The 6 traitors (as we were lovingly called by fellow coworkers) each had to meet with the agency director. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but I know it officially counted as my exit interview. He asked for my final decision…told me I’d be missed…and wished me well at the new position. They allowed us to walk around and get hugs/goodbyes and then it was over. I walked out of the building and exhaled. LOL

While there are some elements that will be missed, I’m definitely looking forward to starting with the new company. The move represents a fresh start in several areas. The job stress over the last 2 weeks has put a damper on my weight loss journey. However, I’ve decided that after tomorrow’s meeting, I will go back to basics. After 70 weeks and 134 lbs lost, I’m allowed to start over, right? πŸ™‚

In triathlon news, I’ll be getting my gym membership next week, so the 4 TRI Divas will be able to start training together. During my time off, I plan to start seriously looking for a bike. Mom is paying for it, but I don’t want to break the bank. Since I’m training to finish and not seriously compete, I’ll pass on the $1500 bike section. I can invest in a kick ass bike if I decide to make the sport a hobby.

Chesty and I finally got bold enough to try the carb gel during the hike last week. It was definitely not a pleasant experience. The gel is thick and coated the tongue. I drank 1/4 of my water bottle just to remove the leather-like feel. *gag* The offensive brand? Power gel by Power Bar. Next on the list is Carb Boom (made with real fruit…uh huh, we’ll see).

Not much planned for this week. Today I’m going to work on cleaning Apartment Chaos, give Bentley The Super Schnauzer a bath, and catch up on Days. πŸ™‚ Tomorrow I’m going to lunch/movie with a friend after my WW meeting.

In case you didn’t mark your calendar, xXx starts on Friday. Let the stalker/drool fest begin. πŸ˜‰

Hope everyone is having an ab fab week…


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August 6, 2002

You have a schnauzer?? Me too…they are such awesome dogs πŸ™‚

“Traitors”? Yikes. That is harsh. Yes, you are allowed to start over–or start a new phase as it were. πŸ™‚ You continue to inspire me–not just your choices but the way you choose to approach and look at things. πŸ™‚

I’m glad you’re free, C! Thanks for the congrats! RYN: It’s the newest one with Alicia Keys on the cover, I think it’s September. There’s an article with Kimora Lee Simmons..she’s adding to the Baby Phat line. Just hope she waits until I can fit into her clothes to do that! πŸ˜‰

August 7, 2002

YAY!!!! I know that feeling of relief and it’s awesome. I wish you well in your new job.

August 7, 2002

Carb gel??? Yeah, that sounds *really* tasty. πŸ™‚