These boots were made for walking?

Well…after much dragging of heels, it seems like TODAY should be the end at work. What started as just myself and another coworker leaving has turned into *6* agents departing. During the last layoffs, our HR rep got the ax and business is now being handled by an employee at the Denver location. The new procedure is supposed to be exit interviews via phone, but since so many of us are leaving, she’s flying here this morning to do them in person. Lovely.

I’m just ready to go! The new company is having 2 new hire training classes and during the offer call, I was given a choice of 8/12 or 8/26. I initally accepted 8/12, so I wouldn’t have any time unpaid. However, I realize that I need/want a true break…so I called the HR rep back and requested to start on 8/26. Financially, I’ll be fine with the time off and I plan to enjoy it. Get some housework done…increase the TRI work…and mentally detach myself from my current job.

TheLassThatLost and I went shopping yesterday afternoon. I found a very cute top and skirt at a decent price (decent meaning I didn’t have to take a loan out to purchase them). I tried on a few more outfits and plan to do additional shopping during the Texas Tax Free Holiday this weekend. The Lass rewarded her 75 lb milestone by purchasing a GREAT outfit. Isn’t it nice to reward yourself with clothes instead of food? 🙂 LOL However, it’s probably trading one vice for another.

The Divas will be out breaking hearts on Saturday night. Chesty and I will be joined by ~Echo~ and TheLass. A group of mere mortals additional friends will also be joining us. As usual, I’ll be sure to post pics.

To those inquiring, Chesty will be formally introduced once she gets off her ass and starts writing. I’ll post a link to her diary once she gives the ok.

I want to thank everyone who left positive notes and emails from my entry yesterday. I am very grateful for the support…and the fact that the majority of you felt my fleeting thoughts of violence were justified (hell, some of you even offered to do it!), is too cool. LOL I HEART you all. 🙂

Hope everyone has a great day…


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August 1, 2002

Good to know you have a more or less smooth shift from one work to the other lined up. Much less stress. 🙂

August 1, 2002

Thank you for the sweet note. I noticed your new picture on the front page, and you look fabulous! All I can say is keep up the great work!

Im happy for you that youre getting back on track. It inspires me to get back on track too. I wish you well and youre lucky to have a good support system as well.

August 1, 2002