Weigh Day: A learning process…

I gained 2.4 lbs. There has to be a logical reason, right? Yes. I hate like a crazed heifer this week. I honestly don’t know what came over me. I was doing well until Saturday night’s swirl margarita. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were all snack fests. Apparently, the fact that your kitchen only contains healthy food is irrelevant if eaten in mass quantities.

As for exercise and water, the totals were pretty pathetic this week. Maybe it was the stress/nervousness of leaving my company that caused the food orgy? Who knows…doesn’t really matter. Bottom line: I need to learn how to deal with/control stress eating. I make sure that I stay busy, so I’ve conquered boredom eating…but what kind of longterm success will I have if I immediately run to the kitchen when stress levels get too high? Stress is a part of life. I try to go workout when I’m upset because it makes me feel better. However, I was just lazy and a bit rundown this week.

The gain honestly doesn’t upset me. I have been on this journey for 70 weeks. The majority of veterans accept a gain and keep moving. Why? because it’s just part of the process.

The thing that upset me today was another WW member’s reaction to my gain. I stepped off the scale and she immediately asked me how I did (as quite a few people do), and I told her I gained 2.4 lbs. Her snotty response? “You gain weight? I didn’t think that was possible for the expert.” You know, I’m a WW member that struggles like everyone else. I think some people see the amount of weight that I’ve lost and think I’m some weight loss guru that never stumbles. Give me a break. I’ve lost 130+ lbs because I work HARD…not because I’m lucky…or perfect…or solved the great weight loss mystery. I just advised the woman that I’m not an expert and walked away. Frankly, I didn’t feel like getting in trouble for putting my foot up her ass.

Anyway, I’ve accepted the gain and my focus is on the start of Week 71. While I did give up my spot in the beautiful 260s…something tells me I’ll see them again. 🙂 My TRI work will increase this week, so I’ll post an entry with the gory details.

Hope everyone is having an ab fab day…


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You’ll be right back in the 60’s very soon! 🙂 I’m keeping your seat warm. That nasty comment girl must have had a good swig of haterade before she walked into the meeting. I always hate when people think they have the right to comment on something they know nothing about. The job thing is over and you’re on to greener pastures and new opportunities.

July 31, 2002

That was a pretty snotty response. Sounds like someone needs a slap. :p Keep working out it. Slight set backs, no more. Hmmm.. stress eating. Well, perhaps when you find yourself snacking a bit too much you need to get up, get out of the house and go somewhere without temptation. That’s not so much control though. But going to the park or something to relax might help. Make it a habit.

July 31, 2002

You should have put your foot up her ass, I bet it would have made her have a gain too…

I would have held her so you could place said foot up her butt..

July 31, 2002

Remember the wise words you gave me after my huge gain. Keep it real and keep it focused. Remember that we can always kick each other across the finish line.

August 1, 2002

Have you had gains in the past (I can’t imagine you’ve lost 130+ lbs and no gains/setbacks)? It is hard to give up a coveted 60’s spot, but you will surely get it back next week! You are an inspiration and strong-willed, so good luck to you in the coming week.

You just have to ignore people like that. To me, it’s just as important for people to see one another struggle as it is to see others succeed. 2.4 lbs isn’t a big deal when you look at the whole scheme of things. 🙂 Hang tough girl. *hugs*

I stumbled across your diary and am so impressed, inspired, everything! I’d like to come back and catch up. I’m also mid-battle in this weight war, (actually, I just started a new campaign) so I can understand. And about the snotty comment person, that was just plain rude and unnecessary of her. Sounds like something already is up her ass. :p Take care and good luck!

awe, she certainly is not a nice person. As your mom would say, she’s just jealous. Seriously hun, you’ll be right back down in the 160’s. With the fight you’ve made so far, you’ve proved you’ve got the metal.

you know that gain may be muscle gain not fat gain since you are working out more for this new goal of yours take care and I think I would of wanted to rim her too if I was you

what a nasty thing to say. dont worry, you will be back in the sixties before you know it. 🙂

WW Diva…you already know what happened and why so I know you’ll bounce back. People can be so jealous! It’s probably been bothering her that you have been hitting your goals… me… I’m not that nice… I would have said… “Well MEOW! Can you be a little LESS supportive!” So, I guess you know not to give her future updates on your weight. She can just watch you get your magnets/pins 🙂