Tripping Billies…

No creative entry title…just the Dave Matthews song I listened to in the car today. 🙂

I headed over to my cousin’s house this morning to babysit their 2-year old boy wonder. He is the sweetest child…and the greatest form of birth control. Anytime the urge to breed gets ridiculous, I agree to watch him and my biological clock goes into snooze mode once again. I definitely want children…but not anytime soon.

I spent the morning singing Elmo songs, watching Bob the Builder, and playing with grapes. Remember when life was that simple? ::sigh::

This afternoon I’ll hit the salon for my weekly appointment and then I’m going to see what Ashley Stewart and Lane Bryant have to offer. My new job is business casual and the majority of my professional attire is too big. My current agency is casual, so I’m pretty much in jeans on a daily basis. I went through my closet last night and the business casual selections range from sizes 26-32…nothing I can wear these days. My Sunday project will be boxing up everything that no longer fits and make some ca$h on eBay. I have a WW buddy that sends me clothes that she’s outgrown. Several pieces are now too large for me, so I’m shipping them back to her…for additional eBay fun.

I went on another hike yesterday and it was more intense than the last trip. I was feeling it last night and have a bit of soreness this morning. No formal exercise planned for today.

I’m meeting some friends tonight for dinner (and a little new job celebrating). I’m not sure what else is on the agenda…maybe a movie…perhaps a club?

What do YOU have going on this weekend?

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July 27, 2002

Well you know, more of the usual fun…work, church, and cleaning. I love my life!! Have a good weekend and congrats on the new job!!

my fun day of staurday was spent at the laundrymat,home cleaning and visiting with my mom.Today to do housework and maybe even get in a walk.Enjoy your evening out and you definitely deserve to celebrate the new job 🙂

July 29, 2002

I hope you had a good weekend. I have two storage totes of business clothes….if you tell me which size you need, I will gladly look through them and see if anything would work for you. They might be right at the edge of what you are wearing and what is too big though.