Weigh Day: The Sweet 60s!

Well, apparently the hike and *bam* kicking it up a notch worked. The WW scales greeted me with a 4.8 lb loss today for a total of 136.4 lbs never to be seen again. The drop helped me claim the 135 lb star and a lovely position (just barely!) in the 260s.

I am a bit shocked at the loss, but I realize that my body has been holding out. I think the increased activity and the diva hike shook things up a bit…and I’m definitely pleased with the results.

We discussed different ways to make exercise fun in our meeting…and I realized that I’ve already reached that point. Not that I enjoy exercise *every* day, but 90% of the time, it’s something that I truly love to do. What started out as a necessary evil to lose weight, has become a regular part of my routine…and if I miss a session (other than my regularly scheduled day off), I just don’t feel right. Scary, huh? LOL

My focus this week will be increasing the run portion of my track workout and pushing the fruits/veggies. I’ve dropped to only 2-3 servings per day and that is NOT going to work. Chesty and I may head out to the Farmer’s Market this weekend, so I’ll get some goodies.

On to Week 70…


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July 24, 2002

Congratulations on the loss, C! 🙂


July 24, 2002


Congratulations, girl! You just had to get to the 60’s before me, didn’t you. 😉 I’m so happy for you, girl. Save me a seat in the sixties, C!

July 24, 2002

yeah yeah, stealing the scale mojo…that’s what you did!! 😉 I have to tell you the look on your face today was priceless. I wish I had had a camera in my hand! You rock, sister!!

Yay for you! Truly awe inspiring. You’ll be in the 250’s before you know it. 🙂

you go, girl!

good lordy that is so awesome!!

truely amazing…had i the will power to stick with WW….it just wasnt doin it for me…too much freedom. Good Luck and much continued success to ya!

July 24, 2002

Holy crappppp! Wowza! You rule, C! Awesome, congrats!!! Taking note…must…go…hiking!

July 25, 2002
