
I forgot to mention the lovely gift I received over the weekend!

My fellow WW buddy RowdyKat and I have been weight loss rivals since last year. The most memorable battle was approaching the 100 lb lost mark at the same time. We spent 2 weeks trash talking on the WW message boards…and guess what happened?

On January 9, 2002, I stepped on the scale at my meeting and was finally awarded the ultimate prize. Do you think I could have just ONE WEEK to celebrate? Hell no…Kat hit the 100 lb milestone in the same week…heifer. After the usual bragging/strutting, we both decided that it was kind of lame for WW to not formally recognize losses over 100 lbs. Not that we lose weight for the “prizes”, but the awards are motivating to fluffy folks.

Anyway, Kat and I agreed to send each other gifts at the 125 and 150 lb marks. I reached the milestone first (woohoo!) and Kat sent sapphire earrings (my birthstone) for the gift. I can’t wait to appraise wear them.

Kat, if you’re reading this…you rock, girl! Thanks for providing the encouraging words and many *kicks* in the ass. I HEART U!

I now have the pleasure of going to shop for RowdyKat’s gift. Her current weight loss total is 124.4 lbs lost…so I need to get moving.

[Editor’s note: If anyone was truly moved by this entry and would like to send $ (no checks, please…I love ya’ll…but hard times=rubber checks), please email me for additional info.] :p

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I do hope you keep a notebook and are writing down your ideas on how to change WW. Once you take over the company and make it better than it is now, those ideas will come in handy. (Why don’t give extravagant gifts to those who have reached an important milestone?)

Ooops… That should have read “Why not…”

July 22, 2002

If you don’t mind I think I’ll send you a deep, heartfelt thumbs up! 😉

What?!? Isn’t my friendship and support enough for you? LOL Seriously though, that’s cool that you and Rowdy do that. I actually sent my 25 lb star to Melissa when she hit her 25 lb. mark, because she was doing it “at home” and doesn’t get anything. Once she hits 50, I’ll do the same again. 🙂

why don’t i just GIVE you my credit card (because you know i have TONS of ’em with the bankruptcy) and you can just go wild!

What a great idea… sounds encouraging.

July 23, 2002

RYN: L-M-A-O!!!!!! I can’t BELIEVE you thought that!! Oh, wait, yes I can! Are you going to the noon meeting? I have the next three Wednesdays off…wooohooo…so you know where to find me at noon.