Saturday ramblings…

Chesty and I pushed it at the track…felt good…even though it was #$%@^&* hot at 10:00. After the walk, we headed to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. I’m addicted to the Chargrilled Chicken wrap (8 pts.) and was pleased to discover that it has 31 grams of protein, which is great.

Tomorrow I’m heading out for a 2 hour hike with my WW online support group. It should be a true fitness challenge:

Cedar Brake Trail — 2.5 miles round trip — Moderate to Difficult

Cedar Brake Trail gets its name from the large number of cedar (juniper) trees that cover much of the trail’s midsection. This area offers a mysterious tranquility as the trail winds through a solid stand of mature cedars with little or no undergrowth. To reach this area, you first have to test your stamina by tackling some of the steepest slopes the nature center has to offer. Estimated hike time: 2 hours

WOOHOO! Feel the burn! LOL I probably won’t be able to move on Monday. :p

I went to my weekly salon appointment for gossip/deep conditioning/trim of the painfully sassy ‘do. Afterwards, I headed to Lane Bryant to see what the new arrivals looked like. The Fall line is showing up and looks good. I may just have to pickup some part-time hours and abuse my discount again (worked for LB during college…and gave 60% of my check back to the company).

On the job front, I faxed my resume to another travel company on Monday and got a callback. I’ll be interviewing next week…will keep you all posted. Even though I survived the 2nd round of layoffs, I realized I’m not secure anywhere…so I might as well make more $, eh?

I don’t know what the plans will be this evening. After H-town last weekend, I’m leaning towards a movie night. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. I *may* post pics of tomorrow’s hike if we don’t look too gross. 😉


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July 20, 2002

you are SOO not allowed to bring your camera tomorrow!! 😛

July 20, 2002

ok, i noted too quickly…. you can bring your camera as long as you don’t point it my direction! 😀

Have a good time on the hike! I have a feeling you will have fun. I get the feeling you bring fun with you no matter what situation you find yourself in. 🙂 I hope the interview goes well. Getting away from the stress of lay offs and being surrounded by new people could be a totally positive thing. 🙂

Your entries reminded me how much I miss hiking. Thats why I bought my new treadmill… it has hiking options and since the hiking trails here are scary to hike alone (my hubby doesnt like to hike) I can now hike. Youre very lucky to be hiking on real trails.