Weigh Day: Small loss…big gift

I lost 0.8 tonight for a total of 131.6 lbs. Usually a small loss would irk me a bit, but I consider myself blessed this week! I’ve had a bloated-Aunt Flo-water retention-eating fest. I was telling PhatPrincessDiva that it has to be a chemical thing. I *know* that after 15 months of being on program, I have better appetite control than what I displayed this week.

I will continue to work on improving my 5k time (my last two workouts were cut short due to cramps from Hell) and hopefully get the swim phase started this week. I MUST get a new swimsuit over the weekend. My old one is a size 32 and ridiculously big now. I’m looking for a nice racer back suit that will totally hide Buddha Belly…any ideas? :p

I’ve “organized” a 2 hour hike on Sunday with my WW online group. We’ll be meeting in the morning to get our fitness on and then head to Souper Salad for lunch…should be a good day.

Hope everyone is having a great week. Tomorrow starts Week 69 (woohoo! my lucky number! LOL) for me and I’m finished with PMS chaos and focused again.


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July 17, 2002

RYN: L M A O!!! How do I always miss the good stuff??? Was our little lost sheep back in the fold today, or is he still MIA? I knew I wasn’t going to make the afternoon meeting, so I made sure to get to the noon one, and I STILL missed the lesson this week (work beckoned). What did I miss?

July 17, 2002

Mmmm…. gotta love that number, eh? 😉 Keep on truckin, you’re doing well.

I knew you were gonna have a loss, girl. 😀 Congratulations! You’re speeding out of the swinging seventies! I knew that Aunt Flo wasn’t going to slow you down one bit!

July 18, 2002

It’s gonna be a good week then.

July 18, 2002

Land’s End has some great swim suits for all shapes and sizes. I got mine there, I think it’s a size 18 or 20. They go up to size 24 or 26 I think. And they’re probably starting to go on clearance. Oh yeah! Thanks for all the emails, keep ’em coming! I loved the newbie site — got a good work out schedule from there.

check out http://www.junonia.com. They have “functional” swimsuits, not “bake-in-the-sun” swimsuit. I own one and it’s wonderful!

July 18, 2002

I’m a little late, but congratulations! You have been inspiring me for a long time now! 🙂