Monday Madness…

Today started with a 7:00am bitchfest from a client that accused “you people” of not mailing his airline ticket. His response when I told him he was booked with an electronic ticket? “Oh”. Jackass. Corporate travel involves some seriously pompous folks…but I will never go leisure travel again. Working with Joe and Jane’s vacation $ that they saved for 3 years is NOT fun.

After surviving round 2 of layoffs at my company, I decided to apply with another corporate agency. Security doesn’t exist…so I might as well get paid more, right? Every move within the corporate travel industry can bring a $7-$10k raise. If I get this job, I won’t have to keep turning tricks to pay my weekly WW fees. LOL Don’t ever say I’m not dedicated. :p

Our little roadtrip to H-town was a blast. I spent too much $…and somehow didn’t come home with a functional swimsuit. I’ve decided to wait until a month before the event to buy a TRI suit. A bad fit can affect performance and I don’t want to get the suit too early and have it be big once race day arrives.

TRI training was moderate tonight. I walked about 2 miles at the track and decided to call it quits. Aunt Flo is in town and my cramps were kicking like Bruce Lee. TMI? Probably…but you know how I am. 🙂

Chesty and I are heading to a bike shop on Saturday to begin the ultimate search. If anyone has any brand suggestions, I’d love to hear them.

Hope everyone has a great week…


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July 16, 2002

Good luck with the new job prospect. I hope things work out for you. Sorry, I know nothing about bikes. 🙂

July 16, 2002

Raleigh’s are good…that’s what I have, and Hura’s are good too. What kind of bike are you looking for? A street bike or an offroad/street/mountain bike??