Blogathon # 38: If you could travel anywhere…

Time Posted: 3:33am EST

Another good question:

If you had unlimited money and could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

This one is an easy question for me. If I had all the money in the world, I would go back to South Korea and take Leah on a tour of all the places I got to check out when I was there. I kinda regretted taking the trip alone and would love to to back to Seoul, Mokpo and even Che Ju Do island. I think it would be good times had by all and even introduce her to some friends who I think are still living there.

Another place I know Leah wants to visit in Venice. Romantic place I know, but that’s the one on her hit list and maybe one day we’ll go and cross that one off the hit list.

One place that I would also like to visit one day would be Egypt to see the pyramids. Cliche I know, but it’s one on my hitlist.

Small entry I know… but I’m lucky I haven’t fallen asleep yet.



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July 25, 2009

Good answers. I think I’ll answer this one, too!

July 25, 2009
July 25, 2009

I think I’m going to need more coffee.

July 25, 2009

I’d love to go to Egypt too. I have seen you noting my daughter Sezura throughout this long blogathon. Well done so far!!

July 26, 2009

Where are you getting these great questions from?

July 26, 2009

*ryn* That means you better start setting the alarm for every 30 minutes,lol. *throws a bucket of icey water on you* Wakey wakey Peter. We only have 5 more hours to go:-)