Blogathon # 34: Over 250
Time Posted: 1:34am EST
Check it out!
I’d like to thank my latest donation for pushing the pledge total above $250 for this year’s blogathon! This has been a wild day with a lot of pledges coming in the last fourteen hours than I had for most of this week! I’m polishing off the first can of Jolt as we speak, but I will not open the next until 5am but 4:30am at the earliest!
The only good thing about being up this late is that all the kids and the wife are asleep and it’s nice and quiet down here. Too quiet actually, which is why I have the MP3 player running on the computer. I’m tempted to play a little World of Warcraft, but I’m afraid that time will pass to quick and I won’t get a lot of entries posted at all. So no WoW, not till tomorroe night at least. Not during the Blogathon.
Things are going all right, but I want more questions. No subject is taboo… fire away and hit me with your best shot!
If you were on a desert island and could only have five books with you, which would you choose?
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I would be playing Sims 2 if it weren’t for the same fear that I would have even less time to get entries happening.
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