One Month, 24, and a writing update

Today is a special day.

Jonthan is a month old.

Already 31 days have passed since my second son was born.

I can’t believe how fast time is just sailing by. I know that it’s only amatter of time before both my little boys are in highschool and dating girls and needing help with math homework. Jonathan is actually doing really well, as is his older brother. I think Ethan is finally realizing that Jonathan isn’t going anywhere and does seem to be warming up to his little bro just fine. Jonathan has gained a good bit of weight in the few weeks he’s been home. Leah is going to take him to the doctor for a check up soon, so we’re all eager to see how much he’s gained. I’m saying around two pounds. Mom thinks it’s more than that, but we’ll find out sooner than later. Everything is still all right cause both boys are healthy and happy… and in the end that’s all you can really ask for, right?

So while things are all right at the moment, I’m sure things will be challenging after Grandma heads home, but I have confidence in Leah and myself that we’ll do what is necessary and do what it takes to make things work. We’ll both have to pull up our bootstraps and do more, but I’m willing to do it and will work harder than before, and give my DVR a real workout as TV will be only used when I have all my chores finished. I really do love having that ditigal box at home, cause that way the TV adjusts to our schedule and not the other way around. That way I watch TV when I’m good and ready and I’m in charge of my time, not the boob tube. This means shows can be watched after Ethan goes to bed, or when I’m feeding Jonathan and want to kill a little time between shifts. I’ve really been catching up on my shows on my days off, which is all right cause that way they’ll always be something good to watch on TV, no matter what day I have off.

Speaking of something good to watch, this week was the four hour season debut of Fox’s 24. I love this show, and have been watching it religiously since Season 2, and was dying to check it out. Since I was working both Sunday and Monday when the four hours debuted so what I did was record all four hours on the DVR and watch them all last night back to back on my day off. My Mom had never watched 24 until yesterday, but now thanks to our little mini-marathon… she’s hooked and eager to watch the next episode on Monday. I don’t blame her for getting hooked, this season started off on the right foot with furious action and some stunning surprises to start off the new season. I’m not going to spoil anything, but those who didn’t tune in last weekend missed some of the best shows from 24 I’ve seen in a while. Next week’s episode should be just as good, and while some part of plot is a tad predictable… it will be good to see where they’re going with this season.

Some news from the writing front. While the script is finished, I’m going to forward a copy to a friend or for a little editing and feedback. Once I’ve finished cleaning it up just a bit, I’m going to register the script with the Writier’s Guild. Seems like the easiest way to get something out there without having to get into anyone’s face. While I’m tempted to start writing another, I’ve instead decided to try another novel. Rather than go back to projects I’ve started and not completed, I want to start with a clean slate and start with something a little simplier as well. Rather than go with something too grand, which is what I attempted to do with other unfinished manuscripts, I’ll go a little smaller and start with a small character piece. Basically this time out, I’m going to crawl before trying to run. Should be interesting. My goal is to write two chapters a month, one every two weeks. After a year of doing that I should have a decent sized novel to work with. I might finish sooner, but with two kids and a full time job to take care of… a year seems like a reasonable goal. So I’m going to give writing another stab, I’ll be sure to let you all know how that goes.

So that’s all from the island for now. Hope everyone else is having a good week and I’ll try to drop by a leave a note or two if things are slow at work. Take care…


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So long as you got boys, and not girls, your family life will sail smoothly. 🙂