Fun with Crap.

Working from home today.  Dead…but get to do it in my jammies.  Schweet.

Stole this as a time waster from jjjtripled.

1. Started my own blog: Does this count?  If so, then yes.

2. Slept under the stars: Yes…and it was a nightmare.  I want a redo please.

3. Played in a band: Not played an instrument, well, vocal cords are really an instrument, right?  So yeah.

4. Visited Hawaii: Nope.

5. Watched a meteor shower. No, I’d like to.  Send me an invite.

6. Given more than I can afford to charity. Dog rescue…yes, loads.

7. Been to Disneyland/world: Yes, a couple times.

8. Climbed a mountain: Yes.

9. Held a praying mantis: No.

10. Sung a solo. Too many times to count.

11. Bungee jumped: No, no, no, and never. Noooo way.

12. Visited Paris: No. 

13. Watched lightning at sea: Yes…it’s really quite striking.  (Pun intended and included at no add’l cost.)

14. Taught myself an art from scratch: Singing.

15. Adopted a child: I wanted to, badly…was thwarted, so no.

16. Had food poisoning: Yes, a couple times.  Not fun.

17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty: *thinks*  No, she was closed.

18. Grown my own vegetables: Yes this past summer.  Fruit too!

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France: Nope.

20. Slept on an overnight train: No and I really want to do this.  Maybe a train to Alaska or while I am in Alaska?

21. Had a pillow fight: Yes, fun!

22. Hitchhiked: No…but have picked up someone needing a ride.

23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill: A couple of times – yes.

24. Built a snow fort: Yes…want to again!

25. Held a lamb:  Unfortunately, no. 

26. Gone skinny dipping:  No, but I plan to.

27. Run a Marathon:  Nope…track and field count?  No?  Okay, no.

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice:  No.  You’re making me feel badly for not having ever left this country and barely seeing this country.  How could you?  *sniffles*

29. Seen a total eclipse: Yes.

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset: Yes, many.

31. Hit a home run: No…I am not sports coordinated.

32. Been on a cruise: No, another want of mine.  Again?  Maybe in Alaska or to Alaska.

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person: Yes…scattered my mom’s ashes, illegally *shhh*, there at her wish.

34. Visited the birthplace of my ancestors:  Nope.

35. Seen an Amish community: Yes.  A lot of our mill dogs come from AmishVille.  Grrrr….

36. Taught myself a new language: Kinda?  Slanghetto.  HA!

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied: Does anyone?  Ever?  Really?

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person: No, again with the traveling thang.  *bottom lip quivers, eyes fill*

39. Gone rock climbing: Yes.

40. Seen Michelangelo’s David: *sigh* No.  I hear he’s nekkid and you can see his bits and pieces.

41. Sung karaoke: More times than I can count.  I rawk!

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt: Nope.

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant: Quite a few times actually.

44. Visited Africa: *glares*

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight: Yes, live across the street from one.  How ya like that? 

46. Been transported in an ambulance: Unfortunately, yes.

47. Had my portrait painted: No.

48. Gone deep sea fishing: Yes……….   Got sick?……….Yes.  *LOL* (Me too)

49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person: *glares again*

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris: *grits teeth*

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling: Yes…got sick?  yes!

52. Kissed in the rain: Yes…*swoons*

53. Played in the mud: Oh, yes.  Made mud pies?  Definately.  (Me too!!  Stop that!)

54. Gone to a drive-in theater: Yes…they’re a dying thing.  Which is really sad in a way, right?

55. Been in a movie: No.

56. Visited the Great Wall of China: *flips the bird

57. Started a business: Kinda?

58. Taken a martial arts class:  Yes….heeeeee-yah!

59. Visited Russia: *just stares blankly ahead*

60. Served at a soup kitchen: Yes.  =)

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies: No. 
61a. Eaten Girl Scout Cookies: Fuck yeah!  Bring me some now please.

62. Gone whale watching: Yes, quite a few times actually.  First one was amazing and was really, corny I know, but like a religious experience for me.  Keep going, year-after-year, trying to recreate it.  I’ll keep trying.

63. Got flowers for no reason:  Yes.  *beams*

64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma: I have tried, but learned I was anemic.  Which is so sad because my blood type is coveted.  Good for everyone…notsogood for me if I ever need a transfustion…rare and I can ONLY take my own type.

65. Gone sky diving: No.  No.  NO!  No thanks.

66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp: No…that would fuck my head/heart up for weeks/months.

67. Bounced a check: Yes, but not on purpose.

68. Flown in a helicopter: Nope.  Kinda looks scary and I get air-sickness.  I always wonder if it makes that worse.

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy: No…have tried…but too much upheavel growing up and into early 20’s to succeed at it.

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial: Nope.

71. Eaten caviar: Blech!  No thanks…you can have mine.

72. Pieced a quilt: No.  Hung a quilt purchased?  Yes.

73. Stood in Times Square: Yes.

74. Toured the Everglades: Yes…almost killed and skinned by Swamp People?  I thought so at the time.  Saw a baby aligator get slaughtered?  Yes.  Fuckers!!!!  *shakes self out of it*  huh?  Oh…*moving along*

75. Been fired from a job: Once.

76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London: Again?  No.

77. Broken a bone: Yes.

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle: Yes!!!!!!!!

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person: Not yet.

80. Published a book: Not a book, published short story and poetry.

81. Visited the Vatican:  *stomps off*

82. Bought a brand new car: Yes!!!!!!!!!

83. Walked in Jerusalem: *sighs*

84. Had my picture in the newspaper: Yes…a couple times. Nothing bad.

85. Read the entire Bible: Yes.

86. Visited the White House: Nope.  Driven by?  Yes.

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating: *cries*  Nope.  If Chris and his dad insist on taking me hunting?  They already know if we see a deer I’mma hollah "RUN BAMBI RUN!!!"

88. Had chickenpox: Yes…twice.  It happens.  Second time was B A D.

89. Saved someone’s life: Erm, not sure.  Helped a kid who had gotten run over, done things like that…

90. Sat on a jury: Not yet and I really want to.  But the chances of that happening here because of whom I work for?  SLIM TO NONE.  Bordering on non-existent.

91. Met someone famous: Yes…a couple different people actually.

92. Joined a book club: Tried, but it turned out to be a Wiccan one.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  Just not my thing.

93. Lost a loved one:  Sadly, yes.

94. Had a baby: No.

95. Seen the Alamo in person: No.

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake: No.

97. Been involved in a law suit:  Not as a first-party.

98. Owned a cell phone: Had to get one…yes.

99. Been stung by a bee: Yes…and learned am allergic.

100. Ridden an elephant: No…I don’t think I would either.  I don’t think, well, they should be ridden unless you’re a bush person and that’s all ya got.  Not for commercial riding is what I mean.  Exploitation of any animal for money is wrong to me. 

Have a nice day.

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RYN: Jeezus, Tam. It’s not like I live in another state or something. There’s no reason we can’t hang out anytime!