Strange day at the office

5/27/0912:38 a.m.

off to bed now as i have an early meeting. the sadness of this job ending hit me today as i began the process of explaining to others what i have been doing for the company part-time for the past 2.5 years. i am certain that i cannot be replaced!

5/27/09 9:45 p.m.

At the first meeting of the day, I told my boss I had something honest to say. I expressed my opinion regarding the dividing up of my current job. He called the head HR manager in to let me repeat myself. Drama in the middle of the day regarding good-bye parties for some (and lack of parties for others). At the very end of the day I got the news that my earlier suggestions were LISTENED to!!! I now get to work an indeterminate amount of time (I am guessing about 3 to 4 weeks) while I create one more project from scratch, train the person of my choice to try her hand at the programming I have been up to, and maybe (although this is not for sure) finish another programming project which I have already started, and which it would take much more explaining to get my new protégé ready for, as I have been heavily involved in the writing of the content for this project during my stint here. 🙂

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May 27, 2009

this is copied from my Facebook Notes, which is my new place to write online. I will stay there, especially as I was pleasantly surprised when all three of my children accepted my friend request!

May 27, 2009

You’ve gotta stick with where you can find your kids. Now if only I could get my mother on board, we’d have the 3-generation trifecta perfecta.

what a special gift: I sent the above blog to my real-life friend that I worked with several years ago. Here is her reply: You’ve always been an awesome programer, analyst, and leader of “what’s right” at work 🙂 I so miss working with you 🙁

May 28, 2009

thank goodness you came back here, i don’t facebook or twitter or anything… so… it looks like your job is about over? i’m sorry… i hope all is well with you and your family… be well…

July 21, 2009

Hi there. it’s been awhile..