This month’s news.

 I have gotten a ton of stuff done lately.

Last couple of weeks I just feel like working on the house. Thanks to Kathy asking my daughter’s in-laws to help the garage is painted with a primer and top coat. MUCH thanks to the 10 Frasiers who helped. It only took about two hours to paint the whole garage with two coats with all them here. Still I have lots of paint left and so I’m putting a third coat on. I have the third coat about half done now. I hope that with three coats it will last ten years. Then I’ll get vinyl siding and a new door.

I called the roofers who did our house several years ago and did a such a nice job. They shot me a quote of $1350 for the garage roof and that seems reasonable. It is less than I expected. There will be a little more to pay as there are some boards rotted on one eve. It isn’t much damage though. I can see the roof from the inside, as all the rafters are uncovered and the roof I can see inside is all just fine. The roofers will likely be here within the next month.

I got to Menard’s with Kathy three weeks ago and we ordered new doors all the way around the house. They will be delivered next Monday. I intend to paint the two entrance doors before he hangs them so I expect to do that next week and have the guy who did our new windows install them the week after next. I may ask for a couple of weekdays off to paint them as I have to use up three or four vacation days more by the end of the year (besides the Thanksgiving week I have off already.)

Along the way, I swept and straightened the garage and had 4 trash cans full of mess. Old insulation from worn out ripped bags, waste rotted wood pieces, old oily rags and oil containers from when I used to change my own oil in our cars 15 years ago. I still need to get rid of at least one dead lawn mower and some other junk.

I cleaned the basement out thoroughly too. Along the way, I’ve set up 4 new plastic shelving units to store things on. The new tube style shelves are so easy to set up and so strong. On top of that, they won’t rust in the basement the way the old steel shelving has.

I got so hepped up with all that I looked at how to take down the long-time broken ceiling fans in the living room. That took some time figuring out how they came down without the instructions, but fortunately it is easier to tear something down that it is to put it up. We have a bazillion floor fans so we wouldn’t need the ceiling fans even if they did work right and they never really did. They certainly weren’t installed right. They just haven’t been a blessing. So, they are gone gone.

When I dismantled an old particle board folding table that was collapsing with the humidity in the basement I salvaged the folding legs. They are now under the dining room table that had been getting very sway-backed over the years. It is perfectly level now. Clever job I did of it too with a piece of shelving scrap wood and the original brackets for the table legs. I may be vain, but at least I am vain about actual accomplishments.

My next projects are to finish tidying the yard, trim the tree where it is about to scrap the roof and electrical wires, and touch up the walls where I ripped out the fans.

I also intend to avail myself of the great convenience of new vinyl double-hungs and wash them all; glass, trim, and sills. Look Ma, no ladders!

I would like to get this done by October 1 so I can start a new personal project. This push in getting the place shaped up goes back to my vacation/work time off way back in July. I think I’ve gotten a lot done since then. I hope the Fall is even more productive.

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September 18, 2010

You gotta love a man with some ambition. And I’m curious as to what you were saving all that old oil for? Or is that a “man thing.”

You have been busy. And got a lot accomplished. I get busy and still get nothing done.

September 18, 2010

Isn’t your daughter due any day now?

Sighhhh, this makes me very tired — no wonder you haven’t been around here very much lately! How nice of everyone who helped you paint the garage. That’s real family!

September 19, 2010

Quite an accomplishment! Wish I had helpers like you do. Once I moved into my place, everyone abandoned me. So, it’s all up to me. I need a husband.

September 27, 2010

when you get new garage door buy two and put one on the alley side. A drive thru garage will serve you well. And you might call the power company-they own the lines up to the meter and might trim tree for you. When you paint the doors remember the top and bottom of the slab. Great job showing love to wife!!! be well; peace…dan

October 2, 2010

Whew!! I feel I accomplished a lot of chores just reading about your projects done! Way to go!