crap of the world




Right now, i’m full of super-ambitious plans. If i’m going to continue working this incredibly easy job for a few more years, i have to use that time more savvy-like. I gotta learn some programs besides Photoshop…

…like brush up on Illustrator, because vectors are important. Terragen. ZBrush/Mudbox/Sculptris. Maybe even Dreamweaver and/or Flash?

I need to. But will i? All i really feel like doing is drawing those Dark Tower characters, which i can’t even start yet because i’ve agreed to so much other stuff.

Heck, i should even buy some textbooks if that’s what it takes. That would be a hell of a lot cheaper, faster, and better than attempting to go back to school. When people say i should go back to school, i keep thinking of that lame CPR refresher class i took last month, and how much time was wasted by paperwork and chit-chat. Sluggishness. Boredom. And i realize that i never liked school, i just liked everything that was happening at the same time as school.

Call me a wild-eyed futurist, but i think we’re scarily close to some world where certain skills and knowledge can be learned for free using technology, without the middleman demanding that you take out a $35,000 loan. I mean, the info is there, programs are ridiculously easy to steal, and all it takes is time and discipline… two things that are pretty scarce these days.

Anyway, step one is to take my new tablet out of the box and learn to use it.

…..oh, this is scary.




We have a new worker named Miss Crockett. She is very, very, very cute. I’m actually jealous of the Snitch, because he works with her all the time. And he’s incredibly disgusting.

I actually had a shift with him the other night for the first time in a long time. He’s lazy, and it’s like it’s not even his fault. He’s just so weirdly obese, and once he sprawls out and starts to ooze into the surroundings, it’s probably structurally difficult for him to regain momentum. Every once in a while, his little brontosaurus head will pop up from the lard husk and say that it’s going to do something, and then it… just doesn’t.

I hate him even more right now, because the sniveling fuck has deprived me of my beloved lights. See, Nicholson put up some blue LED christmas lights that offered the absolute perfect amount of cool ambient lighting at nighttime. The best light source that there could ever be, far superior to the blinding overhead floodlights or the annoying lamp. But the Obese Snitch objected to them for some reason, even though they weren’t on in the daytime when he’s there. They were just sitting there, not affecting him in any way. But he bitched and moaned and complained to management, and someone removed them all. Or maybe he trashed them and lied about it. After all, he’s a compulsive liar.

Oh. Fuck. The rage.

I just ordered my own little string of blue lights, and if i have to put them up every night and take them down every morning, then so be it. The Snitch cannot be allowed to win. Evil must not prevail. LIFE must not be eclipsed by ANTI-LIFE.


That 19-year old kid that i work with will be gone in a few weeks, it seems. He got a job at some trucking company where his uncles or whatever put in a good word for him. And this sucks, because he will leave open a prime hole in the schedule that is likely to be filled by Holley.

Holley, the ultimate abomination. Have i written about this yet? This woman, Holley, is vile beyond belief, a creature of such horrifying aspect that she defies description. She’s been out of work for months after a catastrophic injury, but is set to return at the end of the month… and rumor has it that she has her beady gaze set on our location.

I’d rather work with anyone besides this woman. I pray that it doesn’t come to pass.

As for the kid, i forced him to watch Fight Club the other night, and he was curiously unmoved by it. He shrugged and asked me, what is the meaning of that movie? I don’t get it. Huh? It’s pretty self-explanatory. Come on, kid, you’re nineteen. When i was your age, this was the most hardcore movie of all time! It got us all riled up and inspired us to perform minor acts of drunken lunacy! Hmmm…. has the film just not aged well? Perhaps no one is really afraid of being stuck in a boring office career and having a nice apartment anymore. Nowadays, that sounds pretty sweet.



Eh, at least i’m getting my sixth day at good old KRH again after a month-long overtime drought. I need that sixth day…. heck, i even cracked $20,000 last year, and i’d kind of like to do it again.

Oh, god, poor.


So hey, read my Blog, or you can see me on Twitter, or check out my Behance Network gallery, or see my LinkedIn profile, or visit my Facebook Page, or see my Tumblr, or see my Art Pics on Pinterest. It’s up to you.

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March 14, 2012

you were on the front page!

March 14, 2012

Every once in a while, his little brontosaurus head will pop up from the lard husk and say that it’s going to do something, and then it… just doesn’t. umm… i love your descriptions of these people.

March 14, 2012

i’m currently struggling with illustrator in my design class. do not get the pen tool! there are so many tutorials available online it really is pointless to learn about it in school. i do wish i had a private tutor to help me however.

I wonder if he would be moved by V for Vendetta?

Was the boy at least impressed by the “Narrator=Tyler” reveal?

March 16, 2012

r: oh my god that made me squeal with delight!