Day 5 EDIT

Tomorrow is La Befana, you go stregga nonna.


So the new year has been uneventful thus far, Little Joe has been coming along immensely.

His first tooth is in, granted only just pierced through the second one right along side it is coming in as well.

He is trying to stand at every turn and well taking the knocks as they come. Today while standing inside the diaper box he fell backwards and bumped his head, I felt horrible because he was right in front of me and then in a splitsecond BOOM!

Then it was all cries and tears.

His acid reflux reared it’s ugly head this morning at 5am with a vengeance and he let out screams which I thought were long gone. Poor little guy was in such pain.

I’ve got plans for the new year, some are old, some are new, some are just well way out there.
The long standing battle of the bulge is on my mind and really I need to get on with it already. I used to never be this way, in the gym 2 hours daily, for my long time readers this harkens back to the days of long religious fanatic quality descriptions of lifting weights and trips to the holy pain palace.
-Incidentally, today I did chest & back and pounded through the weights I worked 5 rep sets to ramp up for power, that whole lift the gal off the grand onto the bed routine just doesn’t happen on it’s own. My max bench lifetime was 265lbs, and that was when I had a great workout partner who would push me and vice-versa. I don’t have a partner now and lifting the heavier dumbells has become a challenge but I’m managing. Did mostly dumbells for presses, rows, flyes and d pull overs but managed to get in some work on this nifty multi-position cable flye and some barbell work for back along with pull downs. I left there feeling huge, you know in that Incredible Hulk-I-Can-Rip-A-Car-Door-Off-A-Hummer type of way. It whispered exhileration, power, dominance.  All those lovely baubles I clutched onto for so long in my hayday.

Ok, back to the path at hand. 

Nina’s been back at the gym every night as of late which is great. She was super upset yesterday, coming through the door in tears, upset about not seeing Litttle Joe especially since he’s experiencing all these milestones (walking/talking/teeth/etc). She feels robbed and she knows right now with our schedule and my lack of full time work we can’t exactly have her go on partial leave which is something possible with the state job she has.

Anyhow today Joe played with a homemade cherry preserve turned icepop and well it got messy.

How messy you say?

This is how messy!


– Yes the date’s off, every time I switch the batteries it defaults to this date on me
– Cherries happened day after the reflux…

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January 5, 2010

Looks delicious! Did you notice the date on that picture?

Now there’s a man after my own heart. Of course you do know this is the kind of picture you save to show any future bride. He’ll be mortified of course, but, well, isn’t that the point? Heh

cherries….then acid reflux..a connection?

January 6, 2010

I am glad to hear that you are both hitting the gym. I think it really does wonders for the mind. 🙂

whew on the cherries lolol

January 6, 2010
January 6, 2010

Oh back in your hayda-…NAY, I won’t buy that…why I reckon you could STILL pull the cardoor off a hummer right here right now. Hmm…working out…maybe thats it..Once I r get strong, then me beat people into liking Rick, hahahah! oh smart hulk man, you give rick great idea.

January 8, 2010

RYn: When it comes down to it, I’m going to be mothafuckin Rambo status about it, bandana, bowie knife, barechest and all. OH meant THAT ‘armo-..OH.OK I gotcha..Yeah man, I’ll wear my raincoat, don’t trip..but it’s like…I keep trying to explain to myself that ‘THIS IS NOT HOW SHITS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, SHE CALLS YOU UP, SAYS SHES GONNA DIVORCE OTHER DUDE AND …we’re going to live happily ever after?’ I’m just playing it by ear and not being too vulnerable.