furballs attack

I worked 16 hours today, got out and met Jennifer for breakfast before she headed into class. She has one last class left then she graduates. The dreams I had this morning were unreal, small itsy bitsy furballs were like crawling through the wood work and flinging themselves at me. Perhaps feline spirits channelled by Jennifer’s cat, fat ass, who has been neglected by me lately, as per my absence from life and reality. There was more to this dream which was weird, but I don’t remember.

I have picked up alot of O.T. as of late, which is nice, 8 shifts for next month have been approved also. I plan on saving this money, downpayment for a home in the near future, perhaps invest it in a mutual fund. Unsure

Jennifer is coming, we’re hitting the mall, hunting for valentine’s day presents. And my bed. I am buying a damn bed, considering my feet hang from this one. Think it’s about time? heh..

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Tribbles, they were evil, evil tribbles!!! *G*