something is broken.
I’m sad to say that writing has lost it’s… something. i don’t know.
I’ll always be here. I’ll always love you. I’ll always read and note.
but when I open the window and all I think is "why bother? I could just write this in a word document and get the same reward"… writing doesn’t seem so urgent or required of me.
something is broken.
it sucks.
I don’t like it.
maybe I should just take a break and have no pressure. I don’t know.
I sure as hell don’t like that other place. it’s just sort of like a let down.
build up and no release.
sex with a bad hooker.
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(A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)
i feel the same way
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Its the ebb and flow of life. You have children and a husband. Priorities change. If od isn’t happening anymore then find yourself another outlet and be happy. Don’t put added pressure on yourself. That’s how I stopped writing. Life just became life and my interests changed. We’ll always love you, too.
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Yeah, there is no real place to really go to right now. Every time I come here I get mass amounts of errors. For the site to go down twice in a week? Bruce has got to admit there are some serious issues. I’m tired of the bitches that are asking us who have been here for years, to stop complaining. It’s not a matter of complaint, it’s more a sadness, that a place that brought so much comfort, is onit’s last legs. My greatest hope is that EWS site brings the same sense of community that this site once had. I don’t know if it will be as popular as prosebox, but who knows, maybe it will have the right amount of people. I wasn’t able to even get in to read this entry until this moment. I tried yesterday and this morning, kept getting booted out, and finally got in 🙁 *hugs* Thank you so much, by the way, for your support over “there” and here. It helps so much.
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I feel like that too, I don’t really like that “other” place. I’m hoping that after some time I’ll build up an audience but I don’t think I’ll last that long. Losing the ambition to write too.
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Things have their moments.
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I feel the same way! I have all these things that I want to write about but when I sit down its like….’meh, wonder whats going on at cake wrecks.’ I am not happy about this at all. I think its the presidents fault. What? Why not? Everything else is, right?
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