oh yay
Well today should be fun.
I’ve got errands to run to pay rent and go to the post office and get milk.
I still haven’t given Elias milk. Oops… He nurses still! Leave me be!
After that I have to rush home and get the house clean because the in laws are coming over. You know, the ones that hate me and my children?
yeah, them.
Maybe "hate" is a strong word. They don’t like me, this much I know. I always thought they liked me just fine but if what my husband says is true, they are harboring some weird resentment towards me that I don’t understand. Then there is my children. They are scared of Jonathon and don’t really "like’ him anymore. They used to hug him and were kind now they keep their distance and if they think they are fooling anyone they aren’t. Jacob is neutral, I don’t think they dislike him, but it’s a matter of just being indifferent. Elias is loved, but obviously they have issues. They don’t like his curly hair, which he gets from me. They probably think he will have some sort of behavioral issue like Jonathon since he is part of me and yeah, I’m a bit sensitive and emotional about the subject so I probably make little to no sense.
i have to stop before my baby erases this entire entry. His new thing is to come up to me while i’m typing and slam his hands on my keyboard, usually deleting everything or something equally frustrating. Blergh.
Oh well, happy Friday. maybe this visit with the in laws will be fun and enjoyable and all my snarky fears will be for nothing.
i can dream!
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(A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)
You should ask them one day if they really don’t like the kids…that so odd for grandparents not to like their grandkids They’ll have a great time.
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HA! Rian does the same thing to me. She wants to play on the laptop if I am. She absolutely loses it if I don’t let her play too. So I just close things down until she’s sleeping or otherwise occupied. I really hope the in laws don’t hate the kids and do they really hate Elias’ curly hair? I think it’s cute. When he’s older all the girls will love it! ryn: HAHA! Actually one ofthe things I’ve always loved about your parenting style is your no nonsense approach with the older boys. I had no doubt that Elias will not be allowed in the bed when he’s older, ha! I just thought the article was funny. I have a hard time believing there are that many parents out there letting their teens sleep in the same bed as them though. It was in MacLeans so who knows where they get their facts from.
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Did they become scared of Jon after his meltdown, I wonder? It’s really shitty on their part to be that way towards children. And you. Parents are supposed to be supportive and helpful, not the opposite. How do they think families work? And why the hell would they NOT like you?? You’re so awesome, and do a great job raising your children. What other reassurance do they need? ;p
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Good luck.
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I hope it goes well dear!
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Hope it goes okay dear .
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Man, how can they not like you? Or the kiddos? Jeez. I hope the visit went well…
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I hope the visit went well. My inlaws don’t like my kids either. I don’t know why. They’re spawn of their son… so it’s not like I can even justify it by saying something like- This is the child of another man or something…
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why do they “dislike” you?
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