Yay I got a rejection letter for Trigger. I actually didn’t think I’d hear anything. I knew it wouldn’t get accepted. My edits were rushed and I know my cover letter whatever thing sucked. I just didn’t have the right time to prepare. But ya know what? See if I care. It’s not going to stop me from self publishing it and moving on to other things. And one day, who knows? Maybe I’ll say HA HA HARPER, you missed out on publishing something amazing.

whatever. It actually doesn’t hurt or bother me as much as previous ones have. It’s probably because I had more time to process the pre-rejection before the actual proof was given to me. Lol. The one that hurt most was the short story I sent in for the tme travel anthology. I really really worked hard on that and I thought it was good. Oh well. Blah. Move on, move on.

Today sucks anyway.

I got up with 3 minutes to get my kid to school in time (we made it barely!!!!), my head is going to fall off and/or explode into a million migraine chunks and I’m starving. The rejection letter just goes along with the rest of my day.

I’m also being bratty. I don’t want to give my sister in law my second pack and play. Do I need 2? Probably not. But I bought two and I want to keep them both. But I’ll give her one. Whatever.

I’m a bitch.





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        Humanity Scar   




 (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)  

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January 23, 2013

Hey, at least you are putting yourself out there to even GET rejection letters. Many of us write and keep it hidden.

January 23, 2013

hey YOU put yourself out there YOU sent it in, that is like 50 steps ahead of the people who just think about writing, think about sending stuff, in those steps MAKE YOU A WRITER!! or make you an Author, something like that. loves you!

Madeleine l’Engle’s “A Wrinkle In Time” was turned down 29 times. Editors don’t know everything.

January 23, 2013

Everything I’ve ever heard about getting published is that you have to keep trying. Rejections happen to all writers and you just have to keep submitting until the right person reads it. And you are putting yourself out there to get rejected. That’s one of the hardest things to do isn’t it? And you’re doing it. That says a lot. 😀 Why should you HAVE to give a pack and play to yourSIL? You bought it and it’s yours and you can do whatever you want with it. Sure, it’s not generous to keep it, but I don’t think it’s bitchy or bratty.

January 23, 2013

I’m sure that people like Stephen King and Dean Koontz could tell you lots of stories about rejection… so hang in there and just keep trying and eventually we will all be saying “Hey, I *KNOW* that author” while people roll their eyes and say “Sure you do…” 🙂

January 23, 2013

i think you are amazing for sharing trigger. i am terrified of sharing my writing.

January 23, 2013

You keep on keepin’ on and dont stop submitting your work! I hate feeling “forced” into giving something to someone. grrr.

January 23, 2013


Having 2 pack and plays are really nice especially if you need to set one up and keep it at a relatives for a while.

January 23, 2013

Dude… Self-publish. Promote yourself… and make your own fame. This is the age of self-publish. I did that with my short story (if 109 pages is short, lol).

January 23, 2013

i get kind of excited when i get rejections for my submissions. like…its a no, sure, but it means that my stuff was seen. and at least i’m trying. stephen king was rejected hundreds of times…i can take a few ^_^

January 23, 2013
January 23, 2013

Stop calling my wifey a bitch. That’s unacceptable. And you know. Didn’t I tell you the rejection story of one of my favorite authors that went on to write some very famous movies and has published several successful books? Since that first one? There are other publishers. Your first book was good Moni. And I don’t even read that kind of thing. But I read it. And it was easy to read. And

January 23, 2013

I enjoyed it. So. Pick your head up. Try other publishers. Or do what you did with the first. And try again with another book.

January 23, 2013

Like the other noters have said, a lot of good authors get rejected a gazillion times. I think Harry Potter was rejected like 50 times before it got published.

January 25, 2013

That sucks.

January 26, 2013