My future involves twitching
man, I could use a day off.
good thing I have one coming to me tomorrow!
I swear, being sick is the absolute worst. I’m glad it’s just a bit of a head cold, but UGH.
I think the headache is the worst part because I can’t really do much when my head feels like a monkey in one of those little fez hats is beating on it with some cymbals. Not only on top, but INSIDE.
and it’s the kind of headache that makes me SCOWL, because of the pressure. and I hate that. First, I look mean as fuck normally, I don’t need to look MEANER THAN FUCK.
Second, it is going to give me wrinkles. I DON’T WANT ANY DAMN HEADACHE SCOWL WRINKLES!
AND THIRD… it hurts more cuz I can’t stop the scowling.
and it makes my poor twitchy eye twitch.
I swear to god, when I get old, i’m gonna look insane.
I’ll be a crazy short lady with a permanent scowl, a twitchy eye, and a giant ass.
That’s just a horrific future.
I must stop it before its too late!!!!
countdown time
till lunch: 1 hour
till leaving here: 5 hours (jesus h)
till i get to my bed and possibly go to sleep: 8 mothaflappin hours
till i probably wake up feeling like death: 9 mothaflippin hours
till i cry: immediate
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Last Words (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)
Lol. Sorry but the last one just seemed like a funny way to end it off. But yeah having any kind of a head cold and headache sucks. It sucks when you don’t feel top notch and at your best when your health’s not at it’s best. I hope your day goes by quicker for you for that reason.
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Don’t cry! It just makes the pressure worse
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RYN: Yeah that’s true. 🙂 And yeah. Drama can definitely be something else. But if it were the normal kind it’d be easier.
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I’m going to be one of those old ladies that is convinced her house is filled with poltergeists because she always leaves crap in random places then forgets. Oh wait, I do that now. So is the 8hr chick the same one as the union rep chick?
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FEEL BETTER! I’ll send you dust of good tidings and joy! …oh wait…it’s not Christmas
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I can’t wait to ditch out of here. Your headache sounds nasty. I’ve tried Tylenol Sinus for that sort of thing but I have no idea if it helped, I don’t think so, it possibly helped with a bit of the pain but didn’t relieve the pressure. I hope you don’t end up with a scowl and big ass when you get older.
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Being sick sucks! I just hit my allergy season, it is awful. The meds make me super sleepy too which sucks since I”m already only getting 6 hours of sleep (because I love video games too much, haha). Very no good! Rough week.
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OMG. We are SO kindred spirits. YOU said fez hat! Cameron and I got into it while we were playing scrabble because I said “fez” hats weren’t real. Now seriously, what are the odds that I just went over that with him and then you write about it? CREEPY.
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Dude, this is like the Stand. You have what I had and what I had everyone in this office has. Auuuugh. I’m sorry everyone.
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Ryn: Sure, go ahead and pick my brain, just dont eat it. Ha! See that? See the zombie reference??
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Not feeling 100% myself today. I’m glad you have tomorrow off, I would totally take that schedule of working 8 10’s or 9 9’s. RYN: thank you for noticing my ear lol, I think it looks cute too. Something in this life has to make us smile and sometimes it’s the small things 🙂
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I naturally look mean as well. They say it takes more muscles to smile than to frown. It feels like the total opposite to me.
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