Thunderbolts and Lightning, very very frightening!


 (Galileo! Galileo!!!!) A moment with Queen in my head


Yes, we had about 2 minutes of loud thunder claps just now.

It was sorta scary.

The gloom has descended on downtown Los Angeles and I would like to go home!!!

But alas, I have to stay.

How long you say?

why 3 hours and 20 minutes!

Hark! what is this?! A tragedy?


I was going to do something quite important, and I got distracted by taking my meds and now I can’t remember.

I swear, my brain has so many problems. I know that my writings probably portray this quite well, but… it’s even worse living it!!!!

Poor Baboo is having second thoughts about his break from DirecTV sateliite to Verizon Fios.

I have no idea which is better or worse or anything. The dude came out to hook up a Verizon box to our house. But he had to leave cuz of the rain and lightning.

OMG… a tornado warning!!! for Long Beach! hahahahah. Craziness. It was one of those emergency broadcast sounds and it was not a test!


It would be quite interesting to have a tornado out here.

Some lady came around saying "stay away from the windows!"

Oh whatever. Bring it on! I want a tornado! Send me home!

(no no, I don’t REALLY want a tornado! I don’t want anyone’s house to get blown away to Oz!)

I should go do work.

blah work. I keel you!

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January 19, 2010

I wish it would storm here.

January 19, 2010

I love thunderstorms.. Not tornados.

January 19, 2010

Ahh I love thunderstorms

January 19, 2010

I miss storms. I’m sure we’ll get plenty next spring/summer.

Its all cloudy and junk here, but no thunder. Boo!

January 19, 2010

Dude… I am so listening to Queen now! Thanks!!!!

January 19, 2010

Tornado in Long Beach???!!!! Crap! Al took off for Long Beach not too long ago @@ And we had the thunder here too; Max freaked because he never hears it.

January 19, 2010

You and your wiggly monitor seem to be getting along quit well (thank goodness because I am bored out of my whits over here and would go crazy with nothing to read)

January 19, 2010

Tornados at the beach? Scary! We get warnings & watches all the time around here.

January 19, 2010

I just asked Al about weather in Long Beach. He said it was crazy w/ such strong rain and wind he could barely see while driving over the bridge, but no tornado!! The last thing we need to worry about around here is tornados; we already have to deal with earthquakes! @@

January 19, 2010

It was really freaky-a few weeks ago during a huge snowstorm I saw this streak of lightening and a huge clap of thunder that rocked the house. Scared the ever living bejeezus out of me. There’s not supposed to be thunder and lightening in the winter-and sure as hell not in a snow storm!

would you really want to drive home in the middle of a tornado? it sounds kinda fun, but i don’t imagine that it would be. :S

According to news reports it was a waterspout that came ashore where it decided to scare the Long Beach locals by tearing off some shingles from a roof, overturning a SUV (aledgedly)and uprooting some plants here and there before it disappeared. They say it may have been around what would have been an “F-1” tornado which is the lowest on the scale for tornadoes. Meh =) The thunderstorms were coolwhile they lasted!

January 22, 2010

I miss storms. :o(