Motuesday sucks


 Hello and welcome to Tuesday, aka Motuesday, when you have Monday off, which I did.

My monitor still wiggles and I’m not sure what to do about it.

I just moved it on the desk itself instead of on the stupid stand and sure enough, it still wiggles.

I’m really just NOT SURE what i’m going to do about this issue.

the person who claimed they could fix it read my email and I guess nobody came out.

i’m disturbed.

It might cut down on me writing and noting because it gives me a headache to have it wiggling like this. It feels like my vision is blurred.

anyway, not sure what to write about since I’m distracted by the wiggly wiggles.

I took some pictures of my cubicle along with my inherited plants… Ferdinand and Pierre.

Yes, I named them.

I hadn’t named my other plant, but now I have. Her name is Margaret.

She’s very enamored with her new boyfriends.


She’s closer to Pierre.

I hope they have some babies.

(I know plants can’t have "babies"… leave me alone!)

Here’s something, I had four days off and I didn’t play a single video game.


I spent most of yesterday watching Lost. I think once we catch up on Lost I will get back to games. I have limited time before the final season starts. We are almost to the end of season 4, If I counted right, there are only 24 more episodes (counting season 5) to get thru and then I’ll be ready for the final season. It means I have to watch at least 2 episodes a day and then 6 or so on the weekends and I’ll be done by the end of next week.

I think that’ll be easy peazy.

I keep yawning like a wildebeast.

Have you ever seen one yawn?

yep, just like that.

My brother lost his wallet and probably won’t go to school today. I’m not sure how he lost it and I’m not sure why he didn’t make sure he had everything ready last night when I bugged him about it.


I made ribs last night in the oven and man were they tender.


Baboo took us out to Outback on Friday (or was it Thursday…) and it was lovely. Saturday we went to the mall and we went to Red Robin, which was way better than the first time we went. Baboo was a high roller this weekend. lol.

Sunday we went to lunch for his dad’s birthday at Olive garden.

I feel like a mighty whale.

Instead of potato last night, I had a salad.

I am proud of myself.


I feel sorta sickish.


I should go do work and stop giving myself a headache. I will try to read and note today, though my notes might be shorter than usual.

Log in to write a note
January 19, 2010

They need to fix this immediately. Tell them that you can’t work in these conditions.

January 19, 2010
January 19, 2010
January 19, 2010

mmm I had Olive Garden saturday.

January 19, 2010

Wow. You really wouldn’t think your desk and your monitor would get on all wiggly like that. It almost seems a bit too unrealistic, just how much of a commotion you’re saying it’s making! You probably feel sorta sickish, due to that. (I think it would make anyone feel off/balance!) Hope this can get taken care of for you soon hun!

You should wiggle back and forth when you type, then when people ask what you are doing tell them its the only way you can type. *nods* Indeed.