blah blah blargh


 I left work early yesterday. I was worried about my poor wounded child. He is ok and at school today.

Why must children be so accident prone?!

but alas, I also cannot lie. Having an injured child was just half of the reason why I went home early.

I just wanted to be with baboo.

i went home and fed the poor child some food and then I took a nap. Baboo took one with me, off and on, and it was nice.

I wish i could always work half days. I wish I could exist on half pay.

blah blah blargh.

n such.

I played some Fallout 3 last night. I only got to the section where you finally get out of the vault. I’m excited to see what’s out in the wastelands! Maybe tonight? I dunno.

Then I played some Call of Duty (Modern Warfare 2)… OMG. I love it, but I suck. I have a hard time aiming. I wish there was a feature to auto aim. but alas, I must get used to the controls. I shot the ceiling a lot. lol.

I told baboo we need to get really good so we can go online and be a badass team.

yeah right.

I think I’ll always suck, but I may be able to improve a tiny bit.

Someone just gave me this weird parfait yogurt thing. It’s interesting. Very tart.


I’m administering an interview today. I wish it was over. I need to go get ready.

I’ll be back later to read and such.

Love you people *muah*!

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January 13, 2010

Don’t tell anyone but I love old school Zelda lmao!

I wish I could get into video games more. I like games like super mario bro’s 3 for nintendo.

January 13, 2010

Another reason I want an Xbox or ps3, my brother in law & nephew play COD… one day when I get a PS3, we should all be a team. 🙂

January 13, 2010

Those half days always feel like heaven.

January 13, 2010

Hope the interview goes well.

January 13, 2010

Jonas can’t aim to save his life–ha literally! I think he gave up on COD pretty quickly.

Oh man I soooo wish I could afford to live off of half-days, too!!! I get soooo bored just sitting here all day. It’s really stupid for them to be paying me to sit here lol, but I guess I can’t really tell them that!

January 13, 2010

Isaiah is some sort of video game whiz. He has mastered COD modern warfare in like a day. He does that. Then he goes online and plays with everyone else.

January 13, 2010

That’s nice that you could go home to take care of your son and as a bonus take a nap!

Glad he is ok. Silly, silly boy. I suck at shooter games too…except Resident Evil…I kick those zombies asses!

January 13, 2010

I teh suck at aiming too. K makes fun of me. But, I’m all sneaky and kill him a lot still lol. 🙂

January 13, 2010

So…that’s why you’d only supplied us with one entry yesterday! Lol. (I thought that was unusual for you!) “Shrugs shoulders.” Anyway. Glad ya got to do what ya did, on, “your half day off!” Love ya too! 🙂

January 22, 2010

mmm…yogurt. Love you too!