no motivation
I didn’t post a damn picture yesterday.
damn it.
I’m at work and I’m grouchy. I wanna be home!
It’s perfect home weather: rainy and gloomy.
I love rain and gloom.
but I love it MORE when I’m home snuggled up in my bed.
damn it.
Why couldn’t it have rained over the weekend. It would been perfecto!
I also miss Baboo.
Even though he was misbehaving this weekend, after it was all said and done I felt really good about things and somehow closer to him.
Even if I did want to punch himthe face a few times.
I don’t even really want to go into why. I just want to move past it and go forward.
I baked my first pumpkin pie yesterday.
I used canned filling, but so what.
I really didn’t think I liked pumpkin pie… but I had some last night and it wasn’t so bad with the whipped cream.
It wasn’t the best pie ever. I wasn’t sure what I was doing and I sorta burnt it in my attempts to not under cook it.
I also made bar b que ribs (on the grill yo!), sweet potatoes (baked with marshmallows on top, and it came out decent), rice and veggies. It was a pretty filling dinner with left overs for tonight! wahoo!
I heard an echo.
did you?
I need to get some motivation.
I keep yawning.
I just want to be home with my boyfriend.
that’s all I want right now.
I’ll make it through this week if it kills me!!!!
so hopefully I’ll post enough pictures later to make up for my lack of motivation to post anything yesterday.
i don’t have the motivation to edit this entry for typos.
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Whenever we get weather like that, and I’m at work, every damn customer goes “oh well, it’s a good day to be in work!” and “You don’t mind working when it’s like this!” I’m like… NOOO, it’s good stay-in-bed-all-day weather! I DO mind working when it’s like this. I mind a lot!!!
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It’s snowing here. I wanna stay in bed!
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I’ve been wanting to make Ribs, i’ve never made them before!
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eh, who cares about typos?
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i sooo would like to be home in bed right now too!!
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You’ll make it through the week. Try to have positive outlooks on life. It’s hard…but you can do it!
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“I’m at work and I’m grouchy. I wanna be home!” did you steal taht thought from mah brayne?
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So I’m not alone in occasionally wanting to edit my entries, for typos eh! Lol. (I’m not the only one who thinks it would look awkward.) Oh well, I guess I’m not the only one with a fiend for CORRECT grammar. Lol. And yeah, sometimes it’s hard to get motivated to do something. I know how you feel on that. Hope you get to go home soon and do what you want.
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You are quite the little cook. I need lessons. 🙂
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ryn: I usually don’t like spam either. I decided to go with the low sodium can figuring I could stomach it better. Its actually better. I fried mine. Although today I had some for lunch and didnt have time to fry it but it was ok actually. Not sure if it’ll become a habit buying it for myself but the kids seem to like it.
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Grr….hisss…..scratch scratch….dragon fire (cant think of a way to type that noise).
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