work does make time go by quicker…


 Well, I discovered a neglected project and took it over. So now I have a goodish amount of work to get me through the day. I’ve only been taking breaks to read favs. I hope that I get some time to write tomorrow while I’m sitting around in a courtroom all day.


I wish I had a mini notebook. blah. I’ll be writing by hand. I guess that’s not so bad. I’d use my phone, but the battery drains too fast.

I really want an i-phone. REALLY BADLY. really. Maybe next year. oh sigh!

That reminds me I have to call two places… the vet to reschedule Leo’s shot appt and then Jons teacher tomorrow morning early to schedule the conference for over the phone. But she’s also been sick, so I may not have to do anything. lol.

I’m currently STARVING.

omg, so much. My stomach is singing a little song.

Sounds like "gurgly gur gurg googly woog!"

jam on it.

I have my lunch from yesterday practically SCREAMING for me to eat it.
i had the South Beach chocolate cereal bar this morning…

and omg… it was DELICIOUS! Not as dense or sickly sweet as the peanut butter one! Score!

but that’s about it.

I have to leave room in the ole points.

We are going to a part on Saturday and I don’t wnat ot have to count anything.

I currently have 20-someodd roll over points (I feel like a cell phone) to use for that. so wheedle!

I am going to weigh myself on Friday, so we’ll see what happens.

Let it be 156!!!

I slept like a damn rock last night. It was sooo nice to have a good long undisturbed period of sleep. I’ve been really tired really early.

the time change is making my little one Jacob go to bed an hour early. That’s pretty awesome.

I hope hope hope I have some time this weekend to get our living room cute. I might even take pictures this time.

We are going up to Ventura to see this Civil War re-enactment thing on Sunday. Saturday would have been more fun, more battles, but we have a party so it won’t work.

It should be interesting. I’ve never gone on one of those before.

I think this is Baboo’s way of making up for flaking on the San Diego thing. Even though he really wants to go too.

And he’s paying for it! That’s the main reason I don’t just go do stuff. I have zero funds.

oh well.

I really wanted tos ee that paranormal activity movie in the theater, but it’s not happening.

no more gift cards  or coupons 🙁

Oh well, back to work with me. Crack that whip!

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November 5, 2009

actually the iphone doesn’t have the best battery life either.

I wanna see Paranormal Activity in theaters too. I hate being broke. =(

November 5, 2009

It sounds like your weekend is going to be awesome. Court?

hope you have a good weekend!! good luck tomorrow.

Rock on with the decent sleep!! I had that last night too. Wooo!!!! The Civil War reenactments are fun. I would suggest taking a picnic lunch, though. But, thats just me. I want an iPhone too, but Eric is saying that Google has one that is cheeper. Worth checking out. I think its called the Android or something like that.

November 5, 2009

I can’t remember what it’s like to have undisturbed sleep lol!!

November 5, 2009

Is it sad that I just ate a HUGE lunch about 2 hours ago and my belly is already rumbling for food? If you like a spicy chicken bowl then you’ll love what I had for lunch. There’s a restuarant called Chipotle (not sure if they’re out there by you) that has this rice bowl that you can pile high with chicken and salsa and sour cream and quac and all tastey goodness. Oh my god I’m hungry for another

November 5, 2009

anyways the chicken has a little kick to it and together with the sour cream and quac and corn and salsa and the rice and black beans *major drools* Damn-I’m gonna need a mop to pick up this drool

OMG. I balance my checkbook down to the penny. Jim laughs at me because I HAVE TO KNOW EXACTLY HOW MUCH WE HAVE. He laughs, but he likes to know too. 🙂

November 5, 2009

Oh I so want an iphone…so many cool apps.

November 5, 2009

The battery life on the iPhone is AWFUL, too. It kind of makes me not want one.

November 5, 2009

I heard that the iPhone has a bad battery life and while all the applications work, that the phone part is actually pretty bad, the sound is awful, and it drops calls alot. That’s what I’ve been reading on some of the tech blogs.

November 5, 2009

I agree. I’ve been slammed by work lately but it does indeed make the day sweep by.

November 5, 2009

I hate the money stress,too… makes it so hard to just relax and enjoy yourself and have fun when you want to… *hug* Enjoy the Civil War enactment

November 5, 2009

Did know you were into civil war re-enactments?