well this entry is dumb


 I really hate the smell of burned popcorn. I mean seriously, is it THAT hard to not burn the stuff? I have seen a few rants about it recently.

I don’t mean the accidental burns when you walk away and forget. I mean the ones where you ARE staring into the microwave doing counts… HOW DO YOU BURN IT?

I watched the lady stand there and burn the popcorn and proceed to take all the  burnt kernels and eat them.

It was none other than the crazy rude one who sat in front of me the other day.

She’s a bit crazy, no? 







Just when I thought I was gonna go crazy from boredom, work gets plopped on myd esk! yay!

It should fill up the next hour or so for sure.

so I started writing on BBD, but it is feeling forced so I’ll probably stop. I hate forcing it out, then it’s contrived and slow and I’m all about capturing each moment at it’s most delicious.

so that is that.

I found this cute picture that I made for Baboo last year:

and of COURSE the little photobucket thing wont’ work.

so maybe I’ll come back and post it.


JOnathons teacher just called me but I didn’t answer. blah.


I guess she just wants to set up a conference, so we’ll do that for next week I guess.

i’ll call her in a few minutes.


I don’t want to be bothered.


 ok, so here is the picture that wouldn’t upload earlier:

it seems to be overlapping the box.

oh trials and tribulations!

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That’s a cute poem. =D And wth with popcorn lady? That’s disgusting!

cute poem/picture. my nose is stuffy. dumb day. dumb boring day.

October 16, 2009

My head hurts. Blah Friday.

ewww what a waste of perfectly good poppycorn! D: Chris

October 16, 2009

Awww Man…that’s a really nice poem there! Very true indeed! And, thanks for unknowingly clarifying which son it was, in this entry, previous to the one ahead. Lol. And, I can relate to the “not wanting to answer the phone, whenever you get, “one of those calls!” I relate that to my mother, whenever she “Wants Something!” LOL. And…what’s BBD? Get me curious now! Lol. 😛

October 18, 2009

Heh, heh. You said “planting a seed.” Heh, heh.

October 19, 2009

I like that poem