is it time to get drunk yet?


I think there is something wrong with my foot. It hurts like my shoe is digging into it, but the shoe is just fine. stupid feet. 










Is it lunchtime yet?


another hour and 20 minutes.

I just did about 80% of the work I had set up for today.



This giant pile of doom I thought for SURE would take me all day.

but it didn’t.

Must mean I’m efficient and shiz.

Oh well.

I also did double checks on other peoples work.

i hate that aspect of my job. I have to go back behind the asses of people who get paid more than me just to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to.

then I have to tell them, in a diplomatic way, YO BUTTFACE, DO YOUR JOB JERK!

And of course, about 90% of the time, I have to do that 3 or 4 times or drag my supervisor or boss into it to make a bigger exclamation point.

It’s ridiculous that something that was submitted in FEBRUARY still hasn’t been put into the system.

It’s a simple update to an employees status.



so I guess I have to call the big guns in now because my puny pistol isn’t getting the job done.


I want my enchiladas.

I want to buy some tequila tonight. I think I shall.
i don’t even have any money, what am I talking about?! lol

I guess I just want to get happy drunk like last weekend.

but that was with champagne.

mmm, love the bubbly!

anyway, here I am.

I should go do some BBD or something.

I’m gonna try to conquer a campaign on Left 4 Dead this weekend. I’m scared.

damn zombies!

Log in to write a note

I’m not being a very good noter lately. I’M SORRY. I am reading. I promise! I LOVE YOUR DIARY!

October 16, 2009

It’s always time to get drunk. I have a theory. Beer reduces stress. So the more you drink, the less stress you have. It is only a theory at this stage though.

October 16, 2009

weeeee i could go for a drink too.

October 16, 2009

RYN: I guess in a way, this diary keeps track, huh? I would of course, have to edit half of what is in here…but I could recreate the dates n stuff. OD is great for more then just venting! 🙂

Your job would piss me off. Don’t you feel like a babysitter sometimes? It would drive me crazy. I could go for some tequila too…

October 16, 2009

so if you get tequila, get a decent kind. cheap tequila is TERRIBLE. Jose Cuervo is yum.

October 16, 2009

Yeah, the above rant about work, sounds annoying! And, I’m two entries ahead, before I remembered, the other thing that I’d wanted to comment on! I can’t get over the fact, that, you actually read at high school level, in Second Grade! That’s Amazing! Very impressed indeed! 🙂

October 19, 2009

“puny pistol” that cracked me up