Suckage Review










The one bright spot is that my period is over. 

Baboo better give it up. 













The second half of yesterday was some sort of suck.

Lets review all the reasons why yesterday sucked

*co workers bitching at me when I’m doing my job. I was about to lose it if one more bitch yelled over her cubicle "stop sending those eeeemaaaaiiiils"… BITCH PLEASE, it’s part of what I’m paid to do, and those emails are a reminder so you CAN DO WHAT YOU’RE PAID TO DO SINCE YOU OBVIOUSLY WON’T DO IT WITHOUT THE REMINDER. bitch.

*school nurses calling me just to try and tell me how to take care of my children… we all know how I feel about THAT.

*Wells Fargo being… Wells Fargo. I hate that fucking bank with a fiery vengeance.

*Getting gum all over my brand new book and I’m not even sure how it got there.

*Sitting through a dumb meeting about donating money, time and food for the after school programs holiday events. I really don’t want to. I just want my kids to get cared for until I can come pick them up. they do NOT need a Halloween haunted house and candy bags, they do NOT need a thanksgiving feast, they do NOT need a freakin christmas party.

If I had money and time to throw around, I’d hire a damn babysitter for their after school needs. Yeah, maybe I’m a grinch and all that, but it’s annoying to me to basically be guilted into doing crap like that. I’m not a "hands on" mom. I don’t do that shiz. Leave me alone.

*Going home to find shit all over the front porch because Leo was too "scared" to leave the door because of the rain.. but it wasn’t even raining anymore!!! I am really tired of fighting this dog to become part of our family. Nobody wants him. I’m about 2 weeks away from taking him to the pound along with the two female kittens I can’t find homes for. I simply can’t maintain a house full of children and animals. I’m reaching my limit.

*Fighting with my children to do chores and behave, they were on severe asshole status last night.

*Trying to go pick up Baboo and encountering not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR seperate accidents on the way. One on the freeway, which I got off to try and avoid and 3 in succession on the surface streets. It was hellish.

*Getting followed by a maniac in a truck. First he was tailgating me for apparent reason. He finally goes in the lane next to me and I glance over to see that he’s a crazy older guy  looking all mad. Whatever. I go about my business and I didn’t even do anything road ragey. I did notice him glance at me, but whatever. I go to make a left turn and he flies from his lane (that was stopped at a red) over to the left turn lane behind me when we move. I’m a little nervous about this, so I make a random turn down some weird street… and so does he. So I make another random turn… so does he.

I am getting really freaked out and I can’t get my phone unlocked (stupid dumb broken ass phone which I need to replace soon) so I drive basically in a circle around this block a few times and this guy is DEFINITELY following me. So I go up to a grocery store parking lot and I start circling THAT until he gives up on it and goes away. I was freaked the fuck out.

I sorta wanted to pull over and see what the guy would do. I wish I had a giant knife or a gun in my car so I could have scared him off. I was really not in the mood for some crazy ass motherfucker to be messing with me.

And then I get stuck with another accident before I finally get Baboo.

*We go to eat and I got a Cadillac margarita (which was damn awesome. I think I like Tequila. Like, I think I could totally do shots with chasers. I’d be drunk INSTANTLY. lol)… this was the best part of the night. I got super delicious enchiladas and all was well! Our server was ditzy and weird though. Whatever.

We get home and we let Ceaser run around.

*He proceeds to take a giant shit in my sons room on a pile of their clothes. I don’t know WHY this dog must do this EVERY time he’s left loose in the house and not made to sit near us. It pissed me right the fuck off. Since Leo has been around, he hasn’t been able to run free as much, and the shitting stopped. but the MOMENT he could, he did it. I was livid.

I was also mad that clothes were even ON THE FLOOR because I had JUST ORGANIZED MY SONS CLOTHING ON THEIR SHELVES. They dont’ have a dresser, they have shelves. The shelves are a fucking disaster. I need to get them dressers. Open and shut.

By this time I’m pissy and angry. I do a little Facebooking and we are trying to watch some show and I’m falling asleep on it, which is pissing me off more! So I just gave up and crashed out.

Only to wake up this morning to Facebook NOT WORKING AGAIN, my childrens room smelling like crap because there is smooshed shit under ANOTHER pile of clothing and pissed in pants and underwear everywhere (jacob has taken to wetting the bed again) and my children STILL BEING ON ASSHOLE STATUS and I’m just sitting here like "OK, Friday. Please… lets be friends. PLEASE?!!!!!"


This weekend better be nice to me.

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October 16, 2009

Dude, you should have driven to a fire or police station when that guy was following you. What a freak! I would have been scared shitless.

OMG! What a freakazoid. I never follow anyone even if they practically run me off the road. What if you were crazy? And had a gun? And shot him because he wouldn’t leave you alone? Then what would he do? Oh, nothing…BECAUSE HE’D BE DEAD.

October 16, 2009

*hugs* I hope your weekend gets better sweetie.

October 16, 2009

This sounds EXACTLY like my life… I hope the gum on your book was at least YOUR gum… :/

October 16, 2009

What an asshole. I probably would have gotten out of the car at the grocery store and been like what the f**k! Or flipped him off as I walked into the store just for show. Jerk. I’m sorry you had a lousy day. I hope the weekend everything settles down.

Geeeeez definitely creepy driver dude! I’d be freaked out too. Glad you at least had a good dinner?

October 16, 2009

hope you have a good weekend!!!

Man you DO need a good weekend. I’ll shoot some good weekend vibes to you!

October 16, 2009

You sound so stressed 🙁 Tequila shots would calm you down lol, they’re fun- when you lick salt from your hand, take the shot and bite down on a lime! I would freak out so hard if I thought some crazy man was following me!!

October 16, 2009

Lets all hope it is!

October 19, 2009

Wooo, I want to pull my hair out just reading about it. Goodness, that was a bad day. My kids have shelves instead of dressers too and boy do I know what you are talking about with the mess they make. I just close their door now because I get sick of cleaning it only for it to be junky an hour later.