micromanaging mommy


 This parenting thing was hard. I now realize I was an amazing child. lol.

I mean seriously, I got super good grades and never got in trouble at school. I respected authority and wasn’t rebellious or bad.

I brushed my teeth and took baths and did my homework on time. I dind’t need a lot of supervision or entertainment because I was self reliant and able to amuse myself without any help.

Reading books aloud to myself was one of my favorite pasttimes. I’d make up voices and get lost in stories, espeically teh Anne of Green Gables books. That eventually graduated to me reading into a tape recorder and listening back to myself. All I wanted for christmas was batteries, stamps, and blank cassette tapes.

It’s safe to say, I was a giant nerd, but at least I didn’t give my parents ulcers.

that was my brothers job.

Oh wait… I have SONS. No wonder.

Damn you boys! 



Once again, the male rational logical side of Baboo reaches in and sets my brain to straights.

I’m a lucky girl.

Anyway, he made a very valid point when I told him about all of the Dr. insanity… they are reacting to my children and all their wild behaviour recently.

If it’s nto stories about how i’m abusive, it’s jonathon going to school without his hair combed and looking like a mess or complaining that his teeth hurt because he refuses to brush his teeth unless i’m staring at him and glaring.

I’m sure Jacob has his own hand in things, but Jonathon is my main trouble maker because he’s got that temper… and he stands out. He’s tall, he’s blonde, and he’s handsome. All of these things make people pay attention to him, but in turn, hedoes insane things that make the attention a very bad thing.

So, with the suggestion from Baboo, I have to change things. I have to become a micromanaging mother freak.

I have to supervise their tooth brushing and showers. I’ll have to wake them up even earlier to do this for the mornings, because as it is now I go to wake them up five times and by the time they start to move it’s time for me to leave. I will NOT ask Baboo to do anything in the mornings with them because it’s enough that he’s changed his entire schedule to fit in walking them tos chool… which is AMAZING and I don’t know how to even repay him for being that supportive to the family.

So, I’ll have to do it. And it will suck, but obviously, they need more prodding and poking and staring to make things work smoothly. I have been getting on them about homework, but I need to make sure they do everything they are asked and just really be strict on so many more things.

There is no way around it I guess!

So yeah…. blah.

I know that I’ll take my son to the Dentist when I"m damn ready.

And I am not taking him to get a physical for no reason.

they can all kiss my ass.

and like it!

so anyway, that is that and this is this and i really want to go home.

I have an hour and 40 minutes before that’s gonna happen.

Oh joyous.

I have actually been working, but everything is taking way too lon gto complete.

I just want to GO GO GO.




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lol I like your orange box. I was a good kid too. It makes me nervous to have my own kids, because I’m afraid they’ll turn into crazy people even if I do a good job trying to raise them.

October 15, 2009

Loved the box too! 🙂 You had an ephiphany in the box…

October 15, 2009

RYN: LOL… me too. I really can not wait until that happens. For now, I am a little neurotic about things… second guessing every thing, though I feel very strongly that this baby’s going to stick around. I think once I see his or her heartbeat on the ultrasound, I’ll be more relaxed. Alex and I haven’t even mentioned when we are going to tell our families. I mean, there is plenty of time,obviously… and we don’t want to have to come back and tell people after the fact that something happened, so for now, we’re keeping it quiet.

October 15, 2009

I know this situation all too well. The school was constantly calling us about crap. I still am struggling with my middle son to take a shower. I can’t think of the last time we actually managed to get him one… he’s going through that stinky-kid stage…

October 15, 2009

in my opinion, i think between ages 11-13, is a time when kids can manage to do some things with out someone hovering over them. But at this age, they need someone to tell them to do homework, brush teeth, take a bath, etc…and mostly kids act out for attention. I know when I was busy with my school work and was on the computer alot, Kaylee acted up. Try giving up one hour a night to play soley with them anything they want. I bet you see a big difference.

October 15, 2009

ryn – Aah, so it makes sense, but wouldn’t be the first thing that springs to mind for graffiti!! Yeah, it was originally a British show, remade for the US – ours only lasted… one season and a couple of specials I think. I’ll probably be able to watch it without a million questions when the scripts stop being almost identical!

October 15, 2009

Good luck!! My nephews need micromanaged – oh yeah! Boys! I was good like you, but I’m not a reeeal boy. My brother was the one who once threw a fridge off the balcony… and a million other things, but understandably that one sticks in my mind.

October 15, 2009

yeah my sisters were like your boys and I was more like you. Not to say I couldn’t be a pain in the ass cuz I know I could but I was more aware of putting my mom through crap than my sisters seemed to be aware of it. Good luck with micromanaging!

October 15, 2009

ughz. I swear I was a perfect child too. I rarely got into trouble, cos I hated getting yelled at. I really hope my kids are like me, rather than my hubby… :S HUGS

October 15, 2009

I was a horrible horrible teen. But I was an angel as a child.

October 15, 2009

Clearly I have a fair bit to catch up on having been away for a week…and you being a prolofic writer. I often wonder what kind of children I would have had…but I know they would have been cheeky but smart little monkeys…just like their mama. 😉 Ryn: Yep, great to be home, even if it is a shitstorm at work and home. *sigh* I still have a smile on my face! For now. Lol. Missed you!

October 16, 2009

I was thinking last night [:D] that maybe Baboo and Jonathon should start having “guys time.” I think it might help with Jonathon and his acting out. You know, them just doing things one on one. Watching sports, or going out to eat, or just talking a walk. I bet a lot of things would come POURING out of him about what’s really bothering him. Just a thought.

October 16, 2009
October 16, 2009

Hey.. You gotta do what you gotta do. I hope what you are going to do works. I was a good girl too. I was just a bad adult. lol.

October 16, 2009


October 16, 2009

One way I get my kids to brush their teeth is I give them this choice when I hand them their tooth brush, I say would you like me to brush your teeth or would you like to brush your own teeth? and they usually choose to brush their own and they do… (I also buy those finger teeth wipes, in case, so they can do it in the car if I run out of time, etc..)

October 16, 2009

HUGS honey!