stress level at maximum capacity











 On another note, the  lunch at Lawry’s was decent. It wasn’t really AMAZING. but it was tasty and the conversation was good.

too bad it’s sitting at the back of my throat waiting to get hurled into a toilet.














Sometimes, I just NEED to be left alone.

It’s really bad when you cringe and get physically ILL whenever your phone rings.

it’s bad when you want to cry because you have to check your voicemail.

it’s bad when you wish you’d just die so you didn’t have to think.

that’s the point I’ve reached.

it’s ridiculous.

my children are going to give me an ulcer and I’m gonna die.

I feel HORRIBLE for leaning SO MUCH on Baboo lately. He’s been taking the extreme brunt of all of my stressed out moments and he’s been awesome, but I have to figure out a way to stop it or hide it or deal with it better because I know he doesn’t deserve to be pressured with my madness all the time.

I know that before we moved in together I could have my alone time to wail and scream and throw things and go deep deep under my blankets and sob.

but now I go to the bathroom and I know he knows something is up.

and it’s like… i don’t KNOW what to do.

I want all of this to stop.

I am just sick to death of it all.

I feel like throwing up my lunch right now because the school just called me.

it was the nurse asking for Jacobs physical exam documentation that has been sent to schools THREE TIMES now and they don’t file it or pass it along or SOMETHING and I really don’t FEEL LIKE BEING BOTHERED.

And my brother STILL needs to get his immunizations but I keep forgetting. I’m sure he already got them, but could anyone be bothered to put them into the computer? GUESS NOT.

I just want to throw up.

I want this OVER WITH.

done done done. bye bye. beat it. hit the road. dont’ come back. don’t let the door hit ya where the Lord split ya.


I have reached my limit.

and it’s sad. Because rather than spend good quality time with my  kids and enjoy myfamily, i run and hide in video games and facebook applications because it allows me to shut off that part of me that is worried and bothered and frazzled into a million frayed pieces.

There has to be a way out of this.

I can’t take too much more.

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October 14, 2009

I hate hate hate stress. I tend to stress a lot.

October 14, 2009


October 14, 2009

I know. I feel this too, have felt this… I know this is corny, but making a list of all the things that you need to do and checking them f’ers off when you get it done… it helps. At least for me. It puts my crap into perspective and makes me feel a little more organized and less over whelmed.

October 14, 2009

If it makes you feel any better, I hide too. xoxoxo

October 14, 2009

I feel for you, you’re doing all that you can. It will be alright. I know you’re a great mom.

October 14, 2009

I agree with Kpink. That seems to help me too. It sucks everything happens at once, but if you can just get through it, there will be light at the end of this tunnel. As far as Baboo.. it’s ok to lean on him. Things will calm down. He should be glad that you trust him enough to be able to do that.

October 14, 2009

Remember to keep breathing. *hugs*

October 14, 2009


October 14, 2009

(hug) Sometimes we have to just let go of everything for a little bit, so don’t feel bad about ‘locking’ yourself in a game for a bit. I do the same, in a different way. I throw myself into my writing… (hug)

October 14, 2009

I say go home and turn everything else you normally do off and go have happy time with your family. Become so engulfed in them that you forget about your worries. Eventually they wont be at the forefront of your mind anymoreand you’ll be able to deal with this stuff with less stress instead of constantly stressing over it.

October 14, 2009

when i stress i tend to eat… then i feel bad about eating like cookies for dinner or something dumb like that… bad cookies… 🙁

October 15, 2009

It takes a good year to get used to living with someone. I hated having to share my time