Make Up Sex Rocks!

(yes yes, there is sex inside, beware all who enter here)

Well, to honor my new and improved slacking habits, I will now stop MID PROJECT, to write about my sexual joy of last night.

I know, I’m dangerous! Watch out! I might rub off on you!

Slackers across the world unite!


So as we all know, I was in need of sex yesterday. Not just to scratch the itch that had been welling up inside of me due to my hormonal flood that always comes after my period ends, but also because Baboo and I had a fight and I just really wanted to reconnect with him.

Well, he got home late last night and came in and we ate dinner together. My chicken came out yummo! I love when I put the right amount of seasonings on things. I never thought I’d be a cook who does things by feel and smell and looks… but I do!

Anyway, after that we watched some tv and he had to do some work. We ended up watching the season premier of Heroes. I have never really been a fan. I watch a few episodes and then forget about it. I’ll try again this season even though I really have no idea what’s going on! lol

So while that was on I cut up veggies and things for the crock pot roast beef I put in this morning and then after Heroes I took a shower and got all shaved and pretty smelling…

When I got out of the shower baboo had a beer opened for me.

Ok, I’ll take it.

So I downed it pretty quick and was hit with the sleepies almost immediately. It was almost 11 and I was tired and I just didn’t think the sex was going to happen.

I laid down and he came up and laid next to me.

I looked at him and said "Oh forget it, I’m tired. I don’t wanna have sex anymore! Maybe tomorrow!!!"


He said "Yeah right" and began to kiss me.

Oh such amazing kisses. I tried to just hold back, but I couldn’t.

He immediately went the old reliable rout of jamming his fingers between my legs and I stopped him.

I wanted more and I had been thinking about it all day. I knew I’d have to be a bit forceful in initiating more foreplay. So I told him to hold off and i took his hand and trailed it up my leg and across my thigh and around my ass.

And I think he got the hint.

Just him touching me softly and slowly and taking his time broke down so many of the remaining barriers I had up.

I still had to coax him into softly touching my breasts and when he finally did go between my legs I had to coach him on being more gentle and not so rough.

And we kissed some more and that really got me riled up.

When we finally did get down to it, it was just amazing. Every nerve in my body was open and receptive to his touches and the way he felt inside of me.

Suddenly it was like a flood of pure raw pleasure just rushed out of me and I couldn’t control how loud I moaned or how many times I said his name.

and when I got on top it was like having the intensity heightened beyond my ability to understand and my second orgasm came in such a wild rush I didn’t know what to do except for go and go and go and go…

And then he went… after pulling me off. It went up my back and around my thighs.


He made sure to spread it around cuz he’s dirty like that.

And since I’m hoping none actually went up the old tubes, I should be fine when my next period is due. We all know I’m SICK of having pregnancy scares. They are stupid. We weren’t very smart this time around, but we needed to connect and stopping to think about condoms just didn’t happen.

when it was over I kissed him lightly on the mouth and I felt so much more normal than I have for the last few days.

Make up sex ROCKS.

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September 22, 2009

Sweeeeeet! Sounds like you guys had a great night. I’m glad things are back to normal.

September 22, 2009

i’m skipping this!! i’m too sexually frustrated to be happy for you! :oP

September 22, 2009


🙂 yayyyyy

September 22, 2009

now I wanna get laid again! BUGGER! :oP

ryn: “great giant coke can of delicious doom” BEST LINE TODAY!!!!! ROFL!!!!!

September 22, 2009

WOW! Now I wanna get laid lol!

September 22, 2009

Good times!

September 22, 2009

Ah yes, sex. I remember that. I think.

September 23, 2009

I’m so jealous! I like how you “taught” him to be gentle. Del would do the “ram” thing, and I’d feel like vomiting… I guess part of it was he’d reach over from the other side of the bed.. like wha??? no closeness, just fingers up my crotch all of a sudden..ech… It sucks that I didnt know what a real sex life was until Stacy.

September 23, 2009

Way to go!