Ice Cream Paint Job

Cream on the inside, clean on the outside, i-i-i-ice cream paint job, i-i-i-ice cream paint job!

I want that song out of my head. Even though I dig it for some unknown reason.

So speaking ice cream, I’m a giant bloated whale today. I can BARELY FIT MY FAT PANTS.

I’m very upset over this.

It’s time to buckle back down. I haven’t been eating TOO horribly (or maybe I have been!), but it’s time to get back on the diet and exercise train. I think it’s mainly exercise that I’ve dropped off on and it’s showing now. I feel hugemongous and it’s NOT cool.

did I mention that I got invited to a bar b que on Labor day with my ex-best friend who I’m trying to rekindle some sort of friendship with?

yeah, her mom invited me. They have a swimming pool. Not like MY giant ass will get into anything remotely resembling a bathing suit, but my children will love it. Even Baboo is coming. It should be nice. I also hope we are able to pick up my brothers clothes. That would be nice.

So yeah, wooo.

So I tried to get Baboo involved in my new diet and exercise committment and he was just sorta groggy and annoying this morning, so WHAT EVER! I need to just do it on my own and if he wants to come with, then it’s all good baby.

So I’ll try to NOT turn this diary into diet central, but I really don’t want to start a new one to sorta log things, so I’ll try to include in my title if it’s about diet so you can skip the boring "I’m a whaaaaaaale who is now only eating lettuuuuuuuce" entries.

I’m not going to only eat lettuce, but I am going to do a sort of "detox" if you will.

*For the next 2 weeks, no alcohol. *confession: I’ve been drinking a LOT more than normal lately… especially beer. Damn you Bud Lite with LIme! I love that shiz! I know, some people think it’s gross, but whatever! I also love Newcastle…. and we’ve just been drinking it a lot more than I ever have. That’s gonna end. I’m cutting it out completely for at least 2 weeks, hopefully for the entire month of September.

*Sodas: No more sodas for the rest of September. I’m gonna try to stick to iced tea to quell my caffeine cravings.

*Desserts: Also on smack down for the rest of the month. My brothers birthday is tomorrow, so I’m gonna get him (or make him) a cake, so I’ll have a little of that. But then I’m cutting sweets back dramatically. I can’t say I wont’ eat any, but I am going to be counting calories and such, and if the sweets don’t fit, then I dont’ eat them!

*Exercise: Gotta get back into the gym at least twice a week. I am also going to committ back to DDR at least twice a week as well. I miss jumping around like a loon and I was getting good at the game! So I must return to it! I bought a new game and I haven’t even played it!!!! (it was used for only 10 bucks, so at least there was that)

so that’s that. Lets see how long it lasts, right?


I just hate feeling like I’m getting bigger for no real reason except I’m lazy and I like snacks. lol.

I have also stopped eating breakfast.

I shall have to fix that post haste!

I have a banana today.

this ish is banana’s!



Happy Friday right?!

I know a lot of people are getting 3 day weekends! Huzzah!

I should be more interesting later. I just know that I am done having an ice cream paint job. I want a damn salad and grilled chicken paint job! *blink*

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September 4, 2009

I want a sub paint job. LOL

I am going to watch what I eat like crazy after I push this kid out. Right now, I’m so miserable food is the only COMFORT thing I have [besides Jim]. I’ve only gained like 8lbs so far…and am hoping to drop that plus 30 like nothing. HA! We’ll see.

September 4, 2009

me to me too!! i need a diet!! when i finish eating all my cookies =)

September 4, 2009

I hear ya. I feel like a fat cow lately. I just got some info on a new diet that gives you the food you eat. I’m going to try that a month and see how well it works for me. A friend and I are doing it together. It better work. I need to feel normal again. Ugh! Good luck with yours!!

September 4, 2009

I had honeydew melon for breakfast. Super yummy.

September 4, 2009

What about the Jerk… Play soccer!! It soo helps! And its FUN!!! We need some girls…join our team! 🙂

September 4, 2009

Skipping breakfast is your problem! The first meal of the day “sets” your metabolism for the day! You’re less likely to binge, you will eat slower, etc. Don’t skip brekkie!

mmmm budlite lime is sooo good. 😛 hope you have fun at the bbq-shindig!!

September 4, 2009

i like it lets you log your calories, exercise, and the forums are pretty helpful! now i am using fatsecret to track calories though because there is an app on my phone!

September 4, 2009

I had a French toast paint job this moening

September 4, 2009

lol you’re so funny. You sound exactly like me when it comes to bathing suits and how I’m freakin not wearing one!! LOL!!! xoxo<3

ryn: even if he does say something you don’t like, don’t you think that makes for a good opportunity to explain your beliefs to your kids? and a good opportunity to explain to them that they don’t have to believe the same things that the president does?

September 4, 2009

RYN: Yeah, I agree.

You’d be amazed at the results from cutting soda and beer out. I finally forced myself to stop drinking soda everyday, and not only do I feel better [because I’m not constantly bloated] I’ve lost my teeny tiny pooch.

September 4, 2009

mmmm…. iced tea…. sweets…. Sweets are my downfall. That and the whole not exercising thing. Damn laziness…

September 4, 2009

lol I try to say no to liquor and soda but they just love me too much 😀

September 7, 2009
September 8, 2009

There’s not much worse than not fitting into your own fat pants. Ugh. Last week I actually went out and bought jeans in a size 10 so I could have some that I knew might sometimes be baggy, but would always be able to get up over my roll-y hips. Ugh.