I blame the add shot…

So Baboo bought me a frappucino this morning and the buzz of caffeine is making me smile.

i guess I really am an addict at heart.

lol. what a crazy ass thing to say! Jeesh!

but I love the tingle that’s all over my body and the "racing" feeling.

I probably shouldn’t be drinking it, I do have high blood pressure concerns.


So I’m going to attempt to go to the gym today. I hate the gym near Baboo’s job because it has the WORST parking. Why they only have like 15 spots crammed into this godforsaken corner is beyond me. I like the one near me because it has a giant shopping center’s worth of parking.


I’m anxious to get home to the kitties, but we won’t get htere till after 7!!! Wednesday is the worst day, it’s just so long. sooo loooong.

(that’s what she said)

Tomorrow can come, and then Friday. Pass the taters.

I don’t know why.

I’m making chicken pot pies tomorrow.

Well… not plural… i’m making a GIANT CHICKEN POT PIE… which can also be called a casserole, but I liek the idea of it being a GIANT CHICKEN POT PIE!!!!

I am using a bisquik topping.

it will be delicious, for I command it to be so! I pity the fool who doesn’t love my giant pot pie!

I am feeling so happy these days. Baboo is awesome. He is everything I ever wanted. He just keeps filling me up and I never get tired of him. I hope this feeling stays forever. It feels so stable with him these days, I’m just a giant ball of mushy whee! yay! lovey dovey hooplah!

Can you believe we talked about babies again last night. Are you sick of reading about it… skip this!

He was being weird, like he had "made a mistake"… but I don’t recall anything. We were drunk the other night though…

So I told him about my 2011 baby plans and how we could try in earnest in about a years time… then he said maybe in EARLY 2010!!!


but he also said we will be taking a celibacy break in late november and december.


lol… if you know Baboo’s real name, that’s sorta funny.

Anyway, he says that it weirds him out because that’s when his parents conceived him and he doesn’t want to have a baby near his birthday, but he would like to have one around his sisters birthday, which is in September.

So yeah…

maybe End of Jan or Feb? I hope to have a lawyer by then…

what if we got married in spring?!

ok, i’m so ahead of myself.

but I know he wants to be married BEFORE we have a baby so his mom won’t freak on him. I’d like the same. I’d like to be proud of my pregnancy to my parents rather than shame ridden and full of guilt because I’m a SINNER LIVING IN SIN ON TOP OF A SIN PLATE WITH SIN GRAVY!!!!

Oh the guilt of religion.


I should probably go to church. But I feel horrid going.

Maybe after I’m married I won’t feel so horrid. Cuz then I’ll be "right"

Like Jesus wants me to wait. I know He doesn’t.

I used HE!!!!


anyway, i made some bomb kick ass spaghetti sauce with sausage the other night. I always make it really good when I make the mistake of shaking in too much oregano in the last 15 minutes of cooking… i can NEVER do it on purpose. When I try, it doesn’t come out right. Only on accident!

I know, from jesus to spaghetti, you have to be IN MY BRAINS to understand.

Last night we got Popeyes chicken and the girl who took our order was a total ditz. she kept getting it wrong and thought "mashed potatoes and gravy" were two seperate sides. Uhhh, honey, they go TOGETHER AND I CAN HAVE MYF RIES WITH THAT BIATCH!!!! (the deal we got only allowed two sides and so I said "Mashed potatoes and gravy and fries" and she was all "you can only have two" *blink*)


you don’t get it.

well neither do i!

you know the song "over" by A perfect circle has a crazy intro with a xylophone or something.

It sucks listening to it at work, cuz it has to be low and I can’t really hear it.

damn the man and his little dog too!!!!

i blame the add shot….

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September 2, 2009

Aw… Jesus loves you. 🙂 And boy do I ever need Jesus!

September 2, 2009

Mmmmmm frappuchino…. and yeah my gym parking lot is crowded too.

September 2, 2009

LOL! Great Nr. T impression! And yeah, it’s great isn’t it! I could NEVER IMAGINE becoming tbored with Phillip either! Later.

September 2, 2009

F-ck that’s MR. T! LOL!

September 2, 2009

ryn: Thanks girl. I appreciate ya just listening.

September 2, 2009

Im glad things are working out with Baboo. Good for you. You deserve it after all the crap you’ve been through. I think I may need some of your coffee.

September 2, 2009

In sin… it’s the way to live (j/k)… I want to get pregnant and have a baby in September…

September 2, 2009

Yum. I want some.

SIN GRAVY! Sinfully delicious!

hahah you’re crazy and i love it.

September 2, 2009

Wednesdays very much = Soooo long!

September 2, 2009

LMFAO @ the mashed potatoes and gravy. Oh my god get a clue! You must find that cord soon because I swear woman I want to see pictures of the kittah!