The Sweet Things He Says…

It’s so weird to sit down and think about writing this entry. I hesitate because it almost feels like a jinx to write these things, like I’m gonna turn around and it’s gonna be gone.

But as I mentioned before, Baboo has just intensified in just how wonderful he is. You know how you wish a guy would say something and he never does? Well… I wish that Baboo would say things, and then he does. I don’t mention them or bring them up… he just says them.

Here’s a little list of some of the completely adorable things he said this weekend, in no particular order:

"If I make this choice, I make it for life"… It was actually a quote one of his other friends said. But he adopted it… because, in his words, he "understands what that means now."

"I need you and you need me."

"I want to have a small wedding with my family and friends at my parents church. It’ll be in Spanish…. (after I mentioned that me and my family don’t speak Spanish)… oh ok, so it’ll be in both languages." I thought it was just so cute he actually has a wedding in his head… with US. Like seriously, that scares me to death and I know it must scare him, but he’s obviously thought about it (and yes, it makes me tear up…)… I don’t think I’ve ever talked about marriage with a boy and it felt so right and like it was going to happen… not just silly talk or me trying to make someone want what I want. He brought up marriage … I didn’t!

"Why is my baby’s mama crazy?" Emphasis on baby’s mama!!!!

"Did I tell you that I love you yet? Well I do. I love you." UTTER MELTING TIME

"I see us lasting for decades."

Yep… us.

decades. He sees us long term and that is so comforting and relaxing for my crazy brain.

The good part is that I see it too.

Me and my Sweet Baboo.

I feel really confident that our relationship is the real deal. Its a crazy feeling.

but it’s one of the most wonderful things I’ve ever felt… outside of holding my children in my arms for the first time. That wins every time.
I truly hope that in a year I’m going to be preparing for that again.

I think if we plan this right, we can have a 2011 baby. I don’t mean to veer off into baby talk, but the images in my head of what our child would look like flash into my mind everytime I look at him. I can’t WAIT to have his baby.

I just can’t.

Anyway, this list is short. He said so many cute things this weekend and I can’t think of them!

but yeah… he just keeps surprising me.

He’s awesome.

I love him.

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August 31, 2009

awwwwwww… I think I might actually like him now 🙂

August 31, 2009

LOL at the noter above me! 😛 And yeah…I LOVE hearing all those similar things that Phillip also says to me, and about us as well! It really makes my heart Melt and Smile! 😀

August 31, 2009

It may be the meds, but I suddenly feel nauseous lol

August 31, 2009

Awww!!!!! Baboo IS sweet!!! lol. Surprise surprise! 🙂 I love this entry (for you!!) hehee. xoxo<3

August 31, 2009

awww I am soo glad to see entries about him treating you right and being sweet. He better keep it up. 😀

August 31, 2009

This made me want to cry… in a good way. 🙂

he’s sosweet band that’s so awesome. 🙂

August 31, 2009

aw yay I’m glad he’s being a good boy and being all sweet! you must feel so good about your relationship lately 😀 how exciting!

August 31, 2009

Holy crap….that is just tooo damn sweet!!! I am so happy for you!

August 31, 2009

Yay you!!! Thats way better than a boob chomp! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxo <3

Awww. I am so glad he’s coming around [it’s about effing time!]. You’re awesome and you deserve the best!

September 1, 2009


September 1, 2009

So adorable! *hugs* Glad the man is being good to you =) More than good, it sounds!! Yayyy!!

September 1, 2009

Aww.. I’m so happy for you.

September 1, 2009

I’m agreeing w/ the first noter-he’s winning me over. I don’t want to burst your bubble, but when you do finally get a divorce I don’t think you can get married in a church again. I don’t know what it’s like for his religion (I’m assuming he’s Catholic) but I know how that is for Catholics-which I think is the dumbest rule ever.

September 1, 2009

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww & 2011 baby sounds good for me too! we can have babies together long distance!!!!!!

This is soooo perfect. 🙂 I’ve been waiting for these entries for a long time with you two! <3

*Huge Hugs*

September 1, 2009

ryn – hahaha, a good little drinking machine!!

September 1, 2009

aww, gleeful entry!

Awww :] I’m so happy for you that your relationship has gotten out of that stupid funk it was in, and that he’s being insanely sweet to you. You deserve it!

September 2, 2009

*jealous here* but it’s a good jealous… && unlike when I read mushy stuff about other faves’ lives and bf cuteness i don’t go off and sulk after reading u. Im actually in a good mood cause u give me hope. 🙂 I’m alone now… and I’ve got sh*t on before but i’m not giving up cause I just know i’ll find someone.

September 4, 2009

I used to do the same thing with B (visioning our baby) before we had baby b.