giant cute puppy face wubbins *pic*

My chicken bowl was delicious and I can still feel the heat of it in my throat.

You know that’s a good spicy dish when it lingers.

oh but it’ll hurt later, I make no mistakes about that.

but it’s worth it.

yum yum.

I ran into my boss and co worker in the restaurant and ended up sitting down with them.

cool people.

we talked about burps and farts and drinking too much and reality tv and how stupid men are.

awesome right? ha ha.

I have the cutest tiny post its in neon colors. I like the orange.

I don’t know why, but I do.

there is also green, but the orange is cutest.

so they sent out a picture of the yorkie puppy they are raffling off… i am so buying at least 6 tickets ($25)… I want to win!!!!

Here is the pic:

wow, that picture is huge.

but you can really see how CUTE HE IS.

his eyes!!!!


I want him!

so cute!

ha ha, like i need another dog, especially an untrained puppy!!!!

but I’ll try anyway. I probably won’t win and it’ll be like donating to a great charity, but STIIIIILLLLL.

ok, i’m done for now…

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August 11, 2009

oh, he’s frikin adorable!!!

August 11, 2009

They’re raffling a puppy?? Huh. But oh my god what an adorable puppy! I want!

August 11, 2009

So the march of dimes is now pimping puppies? whatever, I’d still buy a ticket or two. He is awful cute. Although my cat would probably make him her bitch, she’s like that.

August 11, 2009

Incredibly cute! Every bit as cute as any baby @@

August 11, 2009

Raflle for a puppy?! That’s mental!

How cute is he?! Yorkies are actually really easy puppies; they tend to bark a lot, but are extremely easy to train.

August 11, 2009

He is a cutie. For some reason, it totally sounds wrong to be raffling off a puppy, lol.

cute goggie, but pugs are better 😀 Chris

August 11, 2009


August 11, 2009

will the cuteness stand when he’s pooping and pissing everywhere? heh

August 11, 2009


August 11, 2009

OMG. I’m in love. <3

He is cute. Good luck!!

oooooooh my goodness. that is the cutest freakin’ puppy i’ve ever seen!!

August 12, 2009

OMG that is the cutest face I’ve ever seen I love yorkies. They’re too cute!

August 12, 2009

That is a cute dog. 😉

I have a yorkie too! Love him!

When I worked at the bank, we used to have this BIG dude come through the drive thru with a BIG HUGE truck and then on his lap was this little itty bitty yorkie. *lol* It was so funny and so cute. But you expected him to have a BIG dog, ya know?! *L*