put out the orange cones, detour ahead

i had to leave work early because the renovations busted a pipe and ruined my clothes… of course it’s the day when I don’t have a change of clothes at my desk.

stupid renovations and pipes.


so yeah. i’m gonna lay down cuz my tummy hurts.

stupid cramps.

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awwwwwwwwww hope you feel better soon!


booo. Very boo

July 21, 2009

What a bad day!

July 21, 2009

Wait a minute….you’re disappointed because you had to leave work early? Why isn’t this cause for celebration? Well…the ruined clothes, perhaps.

July 21, 2009

feel better!

July 21, 2009

Awwww no. BooHissBoo!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

July 21, 2009

Me too, only I stayed at work. I only had two hours left. :/ You just wanted to be like me… all covered in red. admit it. 😛

July 21, 2009

how crap. *hugs*

July 21, 2009

Just curious: Why do you always have a change of clothes in your desk?

July 21, 2009

Yay for getting to go home…