wicky wicky wick! (record scratching sound…yo)




Damn Dexter. You’re gonna fall off the face of your earth!


hahaha, i’m so lame.

But Dexter is not.

2 days!

Today is going to be weird.

First I have a bunch of notes I want to respond to.

but I probably won’t get to that until I come back from training.

oh hooray, today I get to go to "Lay Off Processing" Training so I can learn all the joys of how they are going to lay people off.

It makes me sick to my stomach and I get all stressed out thinking about it.

It really  just sucks and I’ve been trying to ignore it, but I can’t.

I also keep forgetting to pay my car insurance. I need to do that TONIGHT. I don’t KNOW WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME.

I made a reminder, but I just ignored that.

I have so much to do tonight.

I’m obviously scatter brained since I can’t stay one topic for more than one line.

I have to go home tonight and do the following:

*Pay my damn car insurance! (probably over the phone) before they cancel me!!!!

*At least 2 loads of laundry (gotta get my jeans clean. I was able to use some double sided tape to make a hem in my too long pair…)

*Pack my bags (I have nothing ready! ack!)

*Fix my hair (a few braids need to be redone and I have to trim it and then put a straight iron through it. Yeah, having braids is low maintenance, but I’m trying to have it look really nice for Vegas. Plus I have the kind of extensions that take heat and so I leave them loose and yeah, nobody cares monique….)

*Paint my toenails (I NEVER paint my toenails. But it’s Vegas, I must be cute!)

*Put on my fake fingernails (wheee!)

*TRY to straighten my house so it doesn’t look like a pigpen (this probabluy won’t happen)

*Cook dinner for Baboo and myself (He will probably have chicken and I want a spanish omelette… mmmm)

I think that’s it… but I have to figure out a way to cram all of that into about 2 hours of time.

After work I’m going to the gym (still haven’t lost any weight and I can’t fit my skinny jeans. this is retarded. *sigh*), then to pick up Baboo from his class, then home. I wanted to try and go to the bank in between but it probably won’t happen cuz they’ll be closed. ha ha. I also need to get gas.

Last night we went to the gym. It was alright. There was an aerobics class going and they liked to scream. I don’t know why, doesn’t screaming take away needed energy? whatever.

Then we went to Target. I couldn’t find a sweater or anything to wear that was cute, so I’ll just have to use what I already have (which isn’t as cute as I’d like. ha ha). I did find a bra, but it’s not as cleavage creating as my good bra, so I’m still bummed out. It should work with my dresses though and all will be fine.

After that we went home and I quickly tried to cook dinner. Baboo was a big lazy butt and wouldn’t even take out the overflowing trash for me. I assume he felt like that would be giving into the "man of the house" role or some bullshit… and he whined that he didn’t like to take out trash.

Big jerk.

I was sitting there going crazy trying to cook his dinner and I wanted to do laundry last night (but someone had their crap in the machines and I wanted to be nice and leave it alone, but I will NOT be nice tonight!) and was feeling all frazzled.


I had chili dogs and they were delicious. I got all beef hot dogs and I really like the taste of them. yummay!

so my hot dog craving is satisfied.

I think Baboo and I will try to bring along a few snacks. I’d like Doritos, m&m’s, skittles, cheetos, snickers bars, and reeses peanut butter cups.

Hey, it’s my birthday weekend and the diet goes right out the window!

Baboo is all "You should weight yourself before and after the trip" and I told him to shove it.


My legs hurt.

I guess I should get to some work since I’ll have training from 9 – 11.


there goes the gloom…

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April 15, 2009

What kind of job do you have? If you don’t mind me asking.

April 15, 2009

i’m excited for you! almost there!

I wouldn’t worry about your diet on your vaycay either. Screw it! haha. 🙂

You think it sucks laying people off? Try being the one who IS laid off. It’s no picnic on that side of the equation, that’s for sure. :op

April 15, 2009

Now I want a spanish omelette, but I’m at work and they don’t have a spanish omelette in the vending machine, damn you!

April 15, 2009

Yeah screaming does take away energy lol…i dont get it. lol. yeah that layoff processing training class would terrify me.

April 15, 2009

forget the diet during vacation, diets will still be here when you get back

April 15, 2009

lay off processing is about as much fun as walking to your death.

April 15, 2009

*hugs* Take deep breaths 🙂 You’ll get everything you need done just fine 🙂 I absolutely refuse to take out the trash. I live in a house with 2 men, and I do EVERYTHING else. They can do the damn trash.

April 15, 2009

It’s not falling into a man of the house role to take out the trash.. it’s showing you have enough balls to not be worried about falling into roles or not and to take care of what needs to be done! Poke him in the eye!

you’re so cute! It’s so funny, when you talk to yourself on here, I can hear your voice saying those things. You’re going to have much deserved fun! Like I said with the whole gym thing, you have to give it time, it may not look or feel like you’re losing weight, but you are! I am sure your body is starting to tone. 🙂 What is a spanish omelette? it sounds good, and I just adore eggs. almost as much as I adore you. !! <3 *love you so much*