Fundage Broo Ha Ha

I am officially going into lunatic mode!!!!

I cannot stop thinking about fundage.

buuuut… I may have figured a way to have about $1000 to spend in vegas. That equals about $500 for food and stuffs and $500 to gamble with! It’s split in half and all that jazz, but if we do things right, we can have a great time and not have to worry too much. I doubt we’ll pay to go see any shows since I’d much rather spend money in a slot machine or getting a drink in a bar… or something.

So there ya go! Wheee!

I’m so excited you have no idea. 

Well maybe you do!

Tonight I’m going to the gym and then to Wal Mart. Baboo is coming with me! Yippee!

Would you like to see my list?

probably not, but I don’t care!

*Fake Nails: Yes, I want to have some pretty fake nails. It makes me feel girly and sexy. Ha ha!

*Lipstick: Yes, I need some lipstick and some new mascara. I want to try the one that is supposed to make brown eyes "look better" or whatever… we’ll see. 

*Double sided tape or hem adhesive stuff: I need to put a hem in a pair of jeans I want to wear. They are super cute jeans but way too long, so I want to just tape a hem into them. We’ll see what I find…

*Tide stain stick thingie: I will probably spill something on myself, no doubt. So I want to have one of those in the cute little purse I bought. (it’s black and tiny and will hold my phone, a camera, id and a credit card, and a smidgeral of money. hee hee! oh, and a lipstick of course!)

*Lysol: I have germofphobia and will have to completely suffocate myself with lysol fumes before I feel comfortable in the hotel room.  I will probably bring my own pillow case as well. I know I’m insane…

*Travel thingies: I need a toothbrush cover and stuff like that. I also need shave gel. whee! So thrilling! Someone has pizza…

*Glitter: I WANT TO SPARKLE. just kidding. I think…

Yeah, that’s about it.

I have to spend under $70 bucks on all that.

I must also spend under $50 bucks for food for the rest of the month. oh thriftiness here I come! 

Actually, it’s just $50 bucks for the rest of this week. I want to get some hot dogs. Baboo wants some chicken (He’s coming over tonight. wheee!) and I’m not sure what else I can get to stretch the food budget out a little bit. Something I can put into ramen noodles. ha ha!Not having to feed my kids is SAVING ME. for sure.

but the gas to get them is KILLING ME. for sure.

Did I mention they come back fro good on the 29th?

I’ll be ok since I get paid the first week in May, but it’ll be interesting.

I sure hope I can come out of Vegas having NOT lost anything.

I’m counting the gambling money as a loss… as an expense.

but anything I WIN I want to put away immediately and ONLY use my gambling money.

So if I win 20 bucks, I come home with 20 more bucks than I thought I was.

Make sense?

ha ha…


This is going to be interesting INDEED….

1 hour and 15 minutes of work left.

I want to leave now!



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April 13, 2009

I am starting to want to go to vegas now, lol

April 13, 2009

Ryn: Yeah, it was good. Thanks! 🙂 And, glad to see your eagerness and enthusiasm continuing to spill over, as the impending date for your Vegas trip approaches! 🙂 Lol. Hope ya have a good time hun!

Dude, you’re going to VEGAS. Have FUN! That’s what it’s there for! =) I hope you come back with big bucks, that would be sweet and well deserved.

April 13, 2009

RYN- there’s about 10 or so songs in there all strung together, so your guess may still be valid. 😛 keep trying.

April 13, 2009

Maybe no glitter, but SHIMMER. I love your excitement!

April 13, 2009

i can’t wait to read about what a FANTASTIC time you had when you get back!!!

April 13, 2009

I didnt know you had a kid. Thats too bad about him being a bully I hope you fix that before he hurts someone elses kid or ends up in a lot of trouble

April 13, 2009

Nails always make me feel good too…

April 13, 2009

Ryn: Yeah, I do! 🙂 I like having my time with Phillip, and also, having “Me” time, whenever he’s out somewhere! Everyone’s gotta have some of that, for themselves ya know?

April 14, 2009


April 14, 2009

i love packing & preparing for a trip…its fun to but the things you need, stock up, decide what to wear, etc. have fun!!! damn, 500 bones on gambling…i just could not do it…100 at the most…i cant stand to lose!

April 14, 2009

I’m gonna make Wes take a vacation to Vegas.

🙂 🙂 🙂

April 14, 2009

Just drink when you gamble – the drinks are free!!