Rev up with a rundown!





Holy Crizap Dexter! You’re almost at the end of the grassy gnoll!!!

*backflip somersault twist back handspring shimmy shake!*

Wow. This week is going to fly and also move so slow I can barely stand it.

I have some work to do that will make today go by fast. Not sure about tomorrow, but we’ll see.

Then Wedensday I have some training in the morning that will make the day go fast.

Thursday will probably move like a snail until the evening when I’ll be so excited I probably won’t sleep!

I am going to buy a little pack of those 5 hour energy shots for Baboo and I. I think we’ll need them! Ha ha!

So, I shall quickly go over my weekend in bullety style.

*Friday my mom dropped the boys off in the morning and we went shopping. I started my period (TMI, but yay!!!) and (more tmi!) actually had a bit of an accident while trying on clothes in target. It really upset me and we went right home! I didn’t get anything on any Target clothes cuz I was trying on shirts. But my pad just had an epic FAIL and my jeans might be ruined. I had to tie my damn sweater around my waist. UGH!

*We had lunch and sat around talking and watching weird tv until my sister called and said she was ready for my stepmom to pick her up. So that was nice.

*I spent the rest of the night watching tv with my boys and unbraiding the top portion of my hair.

*Saturday I got up and started to re-braid my hair and Baboo wanted me to come get him… so we went to get him and also stopped at another mall.

*We went into Sears (which was also having sales all over the place on almost everything) and I didn’t find anything I liked.

*We were walking along and I saw this store on a lower level that had a name like "fashion trends" or something. So I just decided I’d go look. There was this rack with all these dresses on sale in the front (9.99!) and while I don’t really wear dresses I had been thinking maybe I should look into it. Anyway, these dresses were really cute and I just wasn’t optomistic about them fitting me… BUT THEY DID! AND OMG SO CUTE AND SEXY TOO! AHHH!!! So I picked three of them (I’ll probably wear a dress each night!) and it was super awesome to get 3 dresses for 30 bucks! They are knee length and super sexy. I’ll have to take some pics!

*I had to find some shoes next but really didn’t know where to look. We ended up at target and Payless. Payless really didn’t have what I wanted (some cute wedge sandals) but I did find some cute sluip on shoes that hopefully won’t slip off my feet and are REALLY comfy and give my legs the "heel" look and makes them look cute.

*We got some food and went home and I spent the rest of the day braiding my hair and doing random things with my kids (like playing operation… it was sorta fun, but I actually hate that game. ha ha!

*Sunday: Pretty boring. Braided my  hair, took baboo home, watched cartoons with my boys, played domino’s with them, took them home, watched a really sad Extreme Home Make over that had me bawling, went home, unwound, talked to Baboo (who went to a Lakers game last night!) and then slept like a brick… …. …. well a brick that wakes up 5 times in the night.


Anyway, that’s my boring weekend rundown!

I have so much to do this week. I want to go to the gym Monday – Wed. I need to hit up Wal Mart for the last of my travel supplies (did I mention I got a 5 piece luggage set for 50 bucks from there? It’s not SUPER snazzy, but it’ll work and I’ve never had luggage before so I feel special! ha ha!). I also want to do my nails (finger and toe) and I need to find a cute jacket to wear over my dresses that doesn’t look too casual. I need a nice little stylish jackety thing. I didn’t get a chance to go to Khols, so I might venture there…

I also have to go to the bank and get my money all settled. I only want to use one card, but I want to have it set up where I could use either if needed. I am sorta going to munch into my food budget money, it’s gonna suck cuz I have NO FOOD, but I’ll make it work. ha ha. I just don’t want to go to Vegas and be all stressed about money. I also have to pay my sister for the babysitting and worry about tipping and transportation. I saw that the little tram thingie costs 28 bucks for a 3 day pass. I’m not sure if that’s worth it. It’s also 24 bucks for both of us to take the bus to the airport round trip as well as about 15 bucks for the parking.

So all those expenses add up! blah!

Anyway… I’m super excited adn that’s probably all I’ll talk about.

Baboo might have lost the charger for his digital camera, so I may end up buying a few throw away cameras to take pics with… which I HATE cuz you don’t know if you’re getting a good shot, they have to be developed and then scanned into the dumb computer in order to post… yeah… whatever. I hope he finds the damn charger. I don’t have the money to buy him a new one! damn it!

Speaking of which I need to call him and make sure he’s on his way to work!

Hmm he didn’t answer.

That’s both good and bad.


Happy Monday!

Happy 4 days till Vegas where I will make my liver cry and my brain weep and I’ll have so much fun I can’t stand it.

Who cares that it’s my birthday.

I found a bunch of gray hair this weekend… in  the middle of my head. About 20 strands.

I wanted to cry,

but lets not talk about it right now.


Party on! (and crap)

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April 13, 2009

I can feel your excitement in your writing. That’s awesome.

April 13, 2009

I am so excited for you!

April 13, 2009

I’m excited for you too! Well, cept for the gray….I had to color mine this weekend, BLAH

April 13, 2009

whay are you paying for the man for your birthday? i’m confuzled…

one of these days i’m going to learn not to read parts marked TMI, lol!