I Don’t Wanna Be the Boss




Wow, 17 days. I’m so excited! Dexter is scooting along like woah!

I have to figure out a basic shell of what I want to do. Who has gone to Vegas? Give me ideas!

Ok, today sucks.

it’s my MoTuesday and it sucks just as hard as a regular Monday, and maybe more.

I was off last Friday too, so things happened while I wasn’t here… and la dee da…

It wouldn’t be a big deal if my supervisor was here to fill me in.

but no, she’s in freakin PARIS right now.

Yes, France.

for a week.

So I’m stuck wading through a bunch of madness I have no idea what’s going on.

I had notes all over my computer screen with instructions that would have been helpful YESTERDAY if we were actually working.

but they aren’t because all the things I was told to do should have been done before today. Sorta hard to do work on a holiday superviser. ugh….

And now I’m sorta dazed and confused.

it’s really annoying.

I also just sneezed 5 times in a row and my throat HURTS LIKE A MOTHA.

Shwew! One of the big crazed issues just solved itself so I am VERY glad about that shiz.


but there is more piled up neatly in the corner just waiting, waiting. and my inbox. oh dear heavens the inbox.

I’m scared to look through it.

I think there might be a monster in there.

a paper monster.

with sharp staple teeth.


Anyway, I have much to write about, but obviously its not getting written about in THIS entry.

I just needed to vent a little.
i don’t want to be the boss right now.

I don’t mind being the boss when I know what I’m doing.

but right now I’m pretty clueless.

I am also hungry and sorta cranky.

Baboo and I went to the gym last night, sorta late.

I didn’t get to really cuddle him or anything.

It sucks.

and he’s not coming over tonight so I have no idea when he will.
maybe Friday or something. I dunno.

I might be able to entice him with the Deathnote movies I should be getting from Netflix today.

We’ll see….

I feel yucky now.


I must go attend to evil work.

Be prepared for either numerous small entries or one GIANT one later.

probably smaller ones.

ha ha.


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March 31, 2009

your icon photo is adorable!

March 31, 2009


March 31, 2009


March 31, 2009

She’s back!

being the boss just means not doing anything and asking everyone else why they aren’t donig something.

this my motuesday too and it also sucks!

What kind of holiday was yesterday??? I wish I had an office job. I luurve paper work. I know. Weird. But I do. Whenever I think of Vegas I think of the show Las Vegas. With Josh Duhamel and Vanessa what’s her face that used to date the guy who dates the girl from Transformers Movie. Um…*blink* Lol. But never been. BOOP!

March 31, 2009

Lol get to work!!

April 1, 2009

I just noticed your icon and then realized that I hadn’t seen a photo of you in so long that you actually have long hair now. Ha.