I must exercise restraint
It’s taking all of my willpower to not stop at Target on the way home and pick up a couple boxes of "Starry Night" (it’s a bluish black dye) and get my hair done this weekend. I KNOW I have to wait. I may really need that 30 bucks between now and next Wednesday. I have to be patient and just chill! But OH LORD I seriously want to get it over with. I will wait though. It’ll be better to wait. Then I can dye it on Friday when my kids are at school and it won’t be rushed.
Just chill Monique, chill.
I really want to put braids in my hair, but Baboo doesn’t like them. I try to pay attention to the things he does like because when I asked him about my hair, he said he didn’t care what I did to it. but he does. Because he doesn’t like the braids, he told me before. ha ha.
Anyway, yahoodiddlydoo! It’s Friday! Whee! I’m so happy. I’m so ready for this week to be over.
so i’m sorta crazy still. Last night I stayed up until 11 watching random stuff. I had turned off my computer (I had a dream I got some crazy virus from this porn site i’ve been visiting. I just now realized that I thought it was real… ha ha! I need to update my anti virus, but I don’t have the money right now. blah) so I couldnt’ watch any porn. ha ha. but then Skinimax had some boring soft stuff on and so I watched that and couldn’t help and had a 4.5 O and went to sleep. ha ha. I really need a good 10. The next few weeks needs to HURRY UP.
That’s all I’m sayin…
I’m still in a holding pattern with a lot of things here at work. I’m going to continue my pointless work that I was doing yesterday. Data bases and spreadsheets of things that only I will use. It’s gonna make me super focused and organized though. It’s gonna suck updating all this crap. ha.
I will attempt to work on my story. I want to get 25k words done today. I doubt it’ll happen, but I want it to! I sorta also, in a weird way, want to re plot out my sims so I can go home an dhave a gameplan to play. It’s sorta goofy to do that, but I want to. We’ll see. I even have a little motivation to try and rebuild my pretty house… or at least build something and decorate it all cute.
blah blah, hi, i’m a boring troll. I weighed myself this morning and was really disappointed. I DIDN’T LOSE ANYTHING. I even regained the pound that i thought I lost. It’s annoying. What the hell. *sigh*
I stayed within my calorie guidelines. I worked out.
does it even matter? (btw, thanks to all who have given me some weightloss tips and info. i appreciate it! I’m trying but my body just likes being this size. stupid dumb body.
I don’t know. It just sucks. I feel like my body might be… re-shaping… like my abs tightening up again … but whatever.
I might lose the bet. *sad*
It won’t be because I’m not trying. but maybe 10 pounds is too much to ask. Maybe it should have just been 2 pounds. At this rate, I’ll be happy if I lose two… or maybe three… *sigh*
It’s so HARD to not go right to what I know. Which is not eating. I just want to go there because the results HAPPEN and I feel like I’m making progress. But then I smell a cookie and gain 5 pounds, but the initial "yay I lost weight" feeling is SO GOOD.
I know I can’t do that. I have to stay on my stupid little diet path and just behave.
It’s just frustrating. Really frustrating.
I guess I should get to work and see if there might be anything that is super important that I can just get out of the way. Then I can slack off and read favs! whee!
i’m SURE you can be patient enough to wait for your hairdye til next week. you can do it! 🙂 have a good friday!
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even if you’re not losing POUNDS yet, i bet you’re losing a few inches and gaining muscle. you really cant pay attention to the scale…like maybe weigh yourself once a month. i’ve also learned, the less you eat the more the fat will stick to you because your body goes all crazy and thinks it’ll starve. if you’re being healthy then the weight will eventually drop *huuuuugs*
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Yeah… I read in my YOU On A Diet book that pounds are actually not a great way to measure your success. Inches off your waist is what you should be aiming for, but it’s weird to try to program your brain to think that way!
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Simple math, have to burn 3500 more calories than you take in to lose one pound. So on a 2000 calorie a day diet. Your limited to 1500 calories a day if you want to lose a pound a week and 1000 calories a day if you want to lose two pounds.
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You have more willpower than I do if you can wait. I’d have bought the dye three days ago, if it were me.
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ryn: thank you for the hugs. much needed. i’m *praying* that the judge will be sympathetic, and that josh’s parents can get a kickass lawyer. *sigh* 🙁 i hope!
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I think braids look HOT!
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I know it’s Hard to wait to buy a box of Hair Dye that you really like the color of. It sounds like a nice color. 🙂 Sending Vibes Of Will Power Your Way! 🙂 Lol. I know you’ll love it when you can pick it up though and finally color your hair the way you want it! 🙂 Lol. Later Hun.! Hugs.!
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You know, it could be your exercise routine. Everyone says that once your body gets used to your work out, it’s going to be harder for you to lose weight, so you should make your workout more difficult each time you do it. When I could afford personal training, my trainer told me that one of the best ways to tighten ab muscles, was to suck in your belly everytime you walk. con’t.
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It helps with your posture and it helps tighten your stomach muscles. I need to start working out, next week when I finally get a big enough paycheck (more then 400 dollars :p) I am going to buy a bike, and ride it everywhere. I hope that solves some weight issues. The tv has made me lazy. heh. *hugs and loves*
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I don’t post entries on here any more but I am a faithful reader of your od. I love how open and honest you are! I found plenty of fish because of your journal, it’s an intersting site.
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You ever heard of HIIT? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-intensity_interval_training It’s how I shifted 40lbs
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You probably aren’t eating enough of the right foods & when you don’t eat enough you’re body goes into ‘starvation mode’ & actually holds only weight because it’s not sure when it mgiht get more food. So if you really want to loose weight, start eating 3 good meals a day, drink 8 glasses of water & get 30min of exercise 3 times a week. Slowly & surely it WILL come off. Stop depriving yourself! K
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