My son is crazy and my cat is gross

I can’t believe I didn’t write about this, even though it’s TOTALLY embarrassing, it’s sorta funny anyway and it’s something I want to look back and and cringe at… and then laugh heartily!

Ok, so I forget when this all happened, but here we go.

First a Kitten story:

So ember, the darker striped kitten is the one that likes me the most. She is always running up to me and likes to have me pet her. Her sister is mean and always tries to swat at me if i reach down to touch her. But I get her anyway and cuddle her and that makes her really mad. it’s great fun.

Anyway! I don’t really let them in my room cuz they chew my computer and playstation wires (little shits!) so she hasn’t really had much of a chance to cuddle with me. But when I do let her in, Ember goes right next to my computer (probably cuz it’s warm) and sometimes lays on my feet. so cute right?

so cute.

Anyway, she also runs up to me almost EVERY TIME I GO PEE. Like… seriously, it’s annoying. I just now figured out that she likes to SHOVE HER FACE into the crotch of my pants. *blink* Yeah, she does. So last week I noticed that when I go take a shower, if I don’t throw my clothes right into the hamper, she STEALS MY UNDERWEAR and sniffs them in the corner.

So my cat is a panty sniffer.

I don’t know if this is good or bad. I don’t stink. so maybe it’s good.

but ti’s weird. either way you look at it.


Ok… so now I make sure to hide my panties. Cuz it grosses me out.

Anyway, now a Jacob Story:

Ok, so last week I was being nice and letting my boys pick a piece of Halloween candy to have. I don’t let them have it much cuz they are always in trouble and they don’t need the sugar. So as they were picking, in my lovely mommy way, I farted. I said "Oops! I just farted and it stinks!"

It’s a boy dynamic. I figure being gross around them helps them be boys. ha ha.

Anyway, so it was not wonderful.

Meanwhile, Jacob takes a whiff and says "OH MY GOD MOM! YOUR FARTS SMELL LIKE EGGS!"

he sniffs again… then does a big inahle and says "MMMMMMM…"



oh lord.

I told him he was disgusting and to get otu of my room smelling my farts!

Anyway, that’s the end of that story.

My little family is crazy.

I’m almost not sure why I shared these stories.

but they are funny.

you can laugh at me if you want.

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November 12, 2008

Well. All families have odd things. My mom once danced on the dinner table while a friend and I tried to eat our dinner. (Yes, she was drunkish) Strange things do happen.

LOL!! If it makes you feel any better one of my cats absolutely adores crotches. He’ll snuggle up in my boyfriend’s used underwear on the floor, he sniffs my panties when I’m on the toilet (and rubbs all over my knees while I’m sitting there trapped), if he climbes in your lap to snuggle he goes right for the crotch, AND he steals used condoms out of the trash and chews on them. NASTY kitties!

November 12, 2008

oh my God your son is silly… Kitties are silly! My cat steals my poneytail hair thingies and puts them in her food dish… weird.

LOL! Oh man. Families are great. Re: I used to have that mentality too. I always swore from the time that I was about three that I’d never get married in my life. I’ve changed my mind since I met Phill though. lol

November 12, 2008

OMfreakinGOSH – Monique… I needed this hysterical entry… It’s truly made my day!! VERY FUNNY STUFF!!!!!!!!! I’m still laughing… I’m SO reading this entry to my mother – She too will be laughing… RYN – You’re absolutely right. I needed to hear you say that… No one will ever know and I’m not sure why I’m trying to get people to KNOW… = *hugs* Thanks babe.

November 12, 2008

And you wonder why the boys didn’t want to sit and watch a movie and popcorn with you ? Why you STINK Mommy ! 🙂 That’s hilarious – only YOUR boys would come up with that *hug* K

November 12, 2008

OMG… I laughed so hard when I read this. My mom’s dog likes the smell of panties (but only grown women panties, go figure). I don’t know. I keep mine up and I always find her dogs chewing her up *GROSS* My boys would have laughed and then added their own aromas to the room. Hell, my DAUGHTER lets them rip and then giggles and claims them. *shakes head* I hope they out grow it. I doubt they will.

November 12, 2008

LOL.! Oh Laugh I Did! 🙂 Oh Girl, you’re too much.! 🙂 Ryn:

November 12, 2008

Hahaha! Love it. =) xoxoxo!

November 12, 2008

Ha ha…love that kitty story! Cats are weird. One of mine mews everytime anyone sneezes. Every single time. I don’t understand why.

lol. silly cats and silly hoomin spawns. 🙂 Chris

November 12, 2008

hahaha my kitty does the crotch thing too sometimes, it is weird so I dont let her in my lap very often, plus she sheds. lol My niece does weird things like that too and she’s a girl lol. She likes people to smell her stinky feet or stinky arm pits LOL. ryn: thanks. 🙂

November 13, 2008

ha ha ha ha ha halhslfjaldha ha ha. That reminds me of the time when Baby b said “Mommy, I smell like an egg” ha ha ha.