Proud Mama Moment
Ok, and then!
So I wanted to make a note of something that will do one of two things:
1. Make me look like a bad mom because I’m just now discovering it
2. Make me look like a proud mom cuz my baby is smart!
Ok, so last night I sat down with Jacob to do some homework… the homework that SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE last week, but I put it off cuz the last time I did homework with him, we got so frustrated and I ended up throwing it across the room and really not doing much of his homework at ALL with him after. I let him do it all in the afterschool program and really never looked at it or checked it.
I’m a bad mom. *sigh*
Anyway, last night I buckled down to just do it and stop being such a horrible non-involved parent. It’s important for me to put myself in a place of real involvment with my sons school and learning. I need to be there. I know this.
ANYWAY, so we start out with his homework journal, where he has to write the date. He coudl barely write numbers last time I checked. So I say, "Ok Jake, lets write the date. Do you know how?"
His eyes lit up "OF COURSE MOM! THE DATE IS EASY! TODAY IS 11 DASH 3 DASH 2 – 0 – 0 – 8!"
He was very proud.
I was very shocked. He knew exactly how a date was formatted and even remembered what he probably went over at the beginning of his school day. My baby knows stuff! ha ha.
So I told him we were doing old homework and he’d have to do an old date. But he did it without a hitch. He also had to write a sentence of whatever he was going to draw. My baby could barely write the letters of his name properly the last time I did anything with him… but my goodness, he copied my sentence EXACTLY with no help (ok, so maybe a letter or two was backwards, but it’s a lot more progress than i expected!)
I was so proud! and when I told him that he was doing a great job and I was so proud of him, you’d think I handed him the world.
Yeah, so it doesn’t take much. I realize this. A mothers affection and love is priceless for children. I try a lot. but I guess I don’t really do it in the way that supports their learning and school work and makes them feel really smart.
When I say I suck as a mom, I mean it.
but I guess I"m learning.
I mean, I think I did GREAT when my kids were babies. I know how to do that nurturing thing. But nobody told me how hard it gets as they grow up and things get all complicated and intricate. So yeah, I think I shall get better and better at it. It’s not as natural as nurturing loving baby stuff is for me.
but nothing can replace that look of pure joy on my babies face when I told him that I was proud of him.
I’ve seen it in Jonathon’s face too.
I guess all hope is not lost.
And now it’s lunchtime and I"ms tarving.
someone has chinese food and it smells DIVINE.
I however have the rest of my kabob left overs.
I hope I don’t get food poisoning from it being in tehre too long. it should be ok tho…
I hope to have another chapter of Trigger finished before I leave work for the day. But I’ve actually been working. Miracle!
awwwwwww I’m sure you’re doing the best you can! parenting is hard… I totally want babies but I’m really worried about when they get to school and all that good stuff :S
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i’ve actually been doing work today, too! crazy crazy. glad that jacob is doing so well. and i’m glad that you’re proud of him. i’m sure some stuff is tricky when it comes to parenting, but i’m sure you’ll get better at it with time. *PATIENCE!* =] and now i’m hungry for chinese… mmmm!!!
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my mom told my gram that my aunt could really use her love and support, that no hug is like the one you get from your mother. and i think my gram liked being felt needed and called my aunt right up and talked for a while she needs all the support she can get and she especially needs her MOM! – you never loose that need!
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awwwwwww Go Jacob!
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There is nothing like the feeling us mothers get when we discover our children are smarter than we know! Keep up the good work.
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🙂 btw, i meant to tell you there is a security certificate that pops up anytime i come to your diary. i cant even access it at work b/c of it
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I read the excerpt on NaNo and loved it. You definitely have a gift. I may go back and edit mine for sensory details and such but, really, I just want to finish this year! LOL! Every mom has to learn as they go. No two kids are the same, so even if you’ve had 4 kids grow up already, that 5th one’s not going to do anything the same way! It’s okay to make mistakes – you know that – and just keep doing what you did last night. It’s never to late to get involved. By jr high and HS, they’re going to need you up their little @$$e$.
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you have no idea the positive impact that praise has on a child. it’s so much more effective than yelling and punishment-which granted are needed too.
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