you want more old pictures? SURE!





Too much at once, an avalanche of crap.

I pull back, See the bonds snap

back into place? Or into pieces in a shower

Stabbing at my face, hour after hour

I’m tired of the thinking and the thoughts coming round

it’s time to say good night and get out of town



I got a good note and it made sense.

I hate when that happens.  JUST KIDDING.

but yeah, it’s time for me to pack it up and pack it in, let me begin.

ha ha. dumb lyrics.

anyway. it’s all clear to me now. allll clear.

deep breaths.

a smile.

one foot in front of the other.

I’m good…

i really am.

i’m gonna go home and work out.

I’m gonna go home and smile.

I’mg onna go home and play video games.

I’m gonna go home and forget about this little "oops".

It’s my fault. I must learn to shut up.

In other news, I fell asleep in the meeting.


has anyone else noticed the weird stuff going on with the picture posting window? there is suddenly a database. does that mean we can upload pictures to OD before we post them? that would be nifty, but I’m not sure what it means, really…

so all these pictures are really old random pics. Like remember when I had golden orangey hair? ha ha:

oh yes, that was horrible. But… yeah.

ha ha….

and this!

and lastly, some hot crying Angelina:

have i not done enough today?

ok i’m done, plus this computer is running like crap.

i type half my sentence before it even bothers to show up. blah!

Log in to write a note

lol. you are the MS paint diva. rawr. Chris

May 21, 2008

Angelina scares me and her name sounds wierd when you break it up into her first and last name

May 21, 2008

the rocks being thrown at boys need to be much much bigger…just a thought.

May 21, 2008

OMG I used to LOVE the BOYS ARE SMELLY THROW ROCKS AT THEM thing a few yrs ago! Love YOU!!!!

May 22, 2008

I think you may have invented emo. Your pictures had me dying laughing, although, I’m not sure if that was the response you where looking for

May 22, 2008

that Jolie one is sad!! it makes me sad and thnk that someone kidnapped her raped her dressed her up and took pictures.. or som abusive boyfriend was yelling and screaming at her then took a picture!

May 22, 2008

Angelina kind of has “the claw” going on in that picture… but she tried to hide it by turning it around…