Attack of the Nerdy Video Blogs!





And here is the video blog! I will write what I vid’d (har har) tomorrow. right now i’m mad cuz i can’t find a few cd’s i want to copy and listen to in my phone/mp3 player.


so here are the video blogs.

I wanted to comment on each one. they are lame. I tried to play some music. the sound, for some reason is REALLY LOW so like… I’m warning you now about that.

but here they are in their nerdy glory!






Nerds Unite!

I’m gonna go to bed.

ha ha.

i might not even masturbate. i think i’m too tired.

and it’s really not as fun as it used to be.

cuz yeah.

getting as much as i’ve been getting, i really just want "him".

he is so good.


ok, and away with me!

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May 6, 2008

Kingdom Hearts! I have those songs on my ipod too. I also like the theme song from the game Tenchu: WOH. I heard the music in the second video blog too though. And once again you tempt with your talking of not wearing any pants but not showing and going to masterbate but not showing. sigh 😉

May 7, 2008

You know if you watch this all at the same time it’s like the matrix. Kingdom hearts? Nothing wrong with that. We bump the krump remix over here! It goes hard in the paint like Carmelo

Awww its my twinnie!!!! YAY!!!

May 7, 2008

Cripe, I’m at work and can’t watch….. RYN: Thanks. It wasn’t supposed to be a poem, its actually me getting up that morning and what happened to my phone/Alarm clock.

May 7, 2008

i wish my volume was working better on my computer!

May 7, 2008

Those have got to be by far the most entertaining video blogs EVER. You should do them more often.

May 8, 2008

F-ck! I couldn’t even hear or listen to what you said, cause of the Stupid speakers that Phillip has here on his computer! Sigh. (The other speakers that he has over on the other side of the room, are the better working one’s!) Sooo…I’m gonna have to try to remember to remind him to hook the better working one’s up over here, so that I can actually Hear what you said! LOL. Anyway hun…

May 8, 2008

You have a pretty smile. You should smile more often! 🙂 Siiiiigh. Annnnywaaaaay… Laaater!